Celebrating 15 Years of OpenStack!

The last fifteen years of OpenStack’s success is not just about the technology—it’s about the incredible global community that has fueled its growth. Thousands of developers, operators, and users have contributed to its evolution, ensuring that OpenStack remains a robust, scalable, and flexible solution for modern cloud needs. From large enterprises to startups and academic institutions, OpenStack continues to be the backbone of critical applications and services worldwide.

Whether you’re a long-time contributor or just discovering OpenStack, this milestone is a celebration of what we’ve achieved together—and an exciting glimpse into the future of cloud computing.

To commemorate OpenStack’s 15th birthday, we’re inviting our community to celebrate throughout the year. Across the globe, OpenStack user groups will be hosting local events to reflect on our journey, discuss the future, and, most importantly, connect.

Find a Birthday Party Near You

The following list of Birthdays is still evolving but here are some upcoming OpenStack birthday celebrations in your community:

  • Kinshasa, DRC – 23 January
  • Pasadena, CA – 6 March
  • Stockholm, SE – 22 May
  • Melbourne, AU – 17 July
  • China – 6 August
  • Athens, GR – May
  • Milan, IT –  May or June
  • Nairobi, Kenya – June
  • Rennes, FR – June or July
  • Bogota, CO – July
  • Tokyo, JP – July, Aug or Sept 
  • Jakarta, ID – August
  • Austin, TX – October
  • Hungary – TBD
  • Berlin, DE – TBD
  • Myanmar – TBD
  • New York, NY – TBD
  • Mexico – TBD
  • London, EN – TBD
  • Paris, FR – TBD

Don’t see your city on the list? No worries! You can organize your own local gathering and join the global OpenStack birthday celebrations. Reach out to helena@openinfra.dev to get your celebration scheduled.

If your organization is interested in sponsoring a birthday party, reach out to helena@openinfra.dev for more details.

Let’s make this a year to remember! Share your stories, photos, and experiences using #WeAreOpenStack and connect with fellow community members.

Here’s to 15 years of OpenStack!

OpenStack 2024 Community Progress & Highlights

Continually supported by one of the most active open source project communities, OpenStack demand surged in 2024, driven by several global trends: digital sovereignty, licensing changes, and AI requirements redefining infrastructure.

While these trends are expected to continue well into 2025, Allison Price, VP of marketing and community at the OpenInfra Foundation, worked with the community to publish new production use cases driven by these trends, including the Dawn Supercomputer, FPT Smart Cloud, Hyundai, KT Cloud, and Lidl (powered by STACKIT). Dubbed a resurgence of OpenStack adoption by tech media, this momentum is expected to increase as more organizations build their infrastructure strategy to power AI workloads and navigate the ongoing disruption in the virtualization landscape.  

One of the biggest drivers for OpenStack demand was around IT decision-makers seeking virtualization alternatives as VMware licensing changes impacted the bottom line for organizations worldwide. When we polled OpenInfra members this year, over 80% indicated that an organization had already contacted them about migrating workloads from VMware to OpenStack, and over 60% had already completed a migration. To further educate the market about OpenStack’s viability as a virtualization alternative, OpenInfra members formed a working group that published a landing page and a commissioned white paper developed by Steven J. Vaughan Nichols, an IT reporter. 

The OpenStack community oversaw the development of its 29th and 30th on-time coordinated releases: 2024.1 ‘Caracal’ and 2024.2 ‘Dalmatian.’ Included were the first officially supported skip-level upgrade path (directly from Antelope to Caracal), increases in platform and Python language version support, and various improvements for support of bare metal, hardware acceleration and AI/ML workloads. 

The secure role-based access control and image encryption efforts had ongoing progress toward completion; five security advisories were issued, culminating in an overhaul of how server image validity is assured; and maintainers embarked upon an arduous journey toward finally replacing OpenStack’s underlying service concurrency library.

Two elections for OpenStack’s technical governance (2024.2 and 2025.1) were held as scheduled in 2024, filling 9 seats with active contributors employed by 6 different organizations. During the first TC election of the year, one of the winning candidates graciously stepped aside in order to avoid having too many seats occupied by employees of any one organization.

Preparations are beginning for a celebration of the project’s 15th birthday in the coming year.

The Open Infrastructure Blueprint (combining Linux, OpenStack, and Kubernetes) is a common open source software architecture deployed by hundreds of organizations around the world. In 2024, the OpenStack community collaborated with other parts of the OpenInfra community, along with adjacent open source communities, to develop the Open Infrastructure Blueprint Whitepaper. This whitepaper outlines the use of a fully open source stack composed of OpenStack, Linux and Kubernetes to meet the rigorous needs of a variety of use cases. Representatives from a number of our member companies shared case studies and reference architectures to further elaborate on the capabilities and benefits of using these technologies together. Examples include Huawei’s Dual Engine and H3C’s CNOOC Cloud.

The OpenInfra Foundation published its 2024 Annual Report where you can learn about more OpenStack community highlights as well as progress made by other OpenInfra projects and working groups.

OpenStack Teams Advance 2025.1 Epoxy Plans at OpenInfra PTG

The Project Teams Gathering (PTG) is held virtually twice a year and allows OpenInfra community groups and adjacent open source community project teams to meet virtually, exchange ideas and get work done in a productive, low-key setting. Last month, several OpenStack teams participated in the second PTG of the year alongside other OpenInfra projects and community working groups.

Planning is well underway for OpenStack 2025.1 “Epoxy” that will be available on April 2, 2025. These PTG meetings were critical in discussing goals for the release as well as the work that needs to be completed.

Below are several community-developed summaries from these meetings. If you have questions or would like to participate, I encourage you to reach out to the project team and participate!

To learn more about what other project communities discussed and how you can get involved, check out the full PTG summary on Superuser.

OpenStack global footprint exceeds 45 million compute cores as users tackle common obstacles

The 10th iteration of the OpenStack User Survey highlights expanding footprint of OpenStack clouds, reinforcing architecture trends and introducing new usage patterns  

Over the past 10 years, over 2,200 organizations have voluntarily contributed OpenStack usage data and architecture details, across more than 4,000 deployments as well as feedback for the upstream community to improve the software. Over the decade of measurement, several trends emerged: 

  • The OpenInfra Standard, LOKI (Linux OpenStack Kubernetes Infrastructure), is consistently measured in over 70% of reported OpenStack deployments. Specific components within OpenStack that have seen an increase in adoption over time to deliver this integration include Magnum, Ironic, Kuryr, Kolla, and OpenStack-Helm.    
  • A hybrid cloud approach is adopted by most cloud users, and this trend is supported by a growing marketplace of OpenStack public and private cloud providers. While AWS remains the most common hyperscaler integrated with OpenStack, the OpenStack-powered public cloud network now exceeds 300 data centers worldwide.  
  • Upgrades were a common pain point which prevented many organizations from running the most recent release. 

While the 2023 analysis continues to highlight these trends, new patterns are emerging that have been reported as too complex in previous years. Organizations with smaller teams have proven that a massive internal team is not required to operate an OpenStack cloud, recent releases are gaining traction highlighting community progress in improving upgrades, and the OpenStack footprint continues to grow both with new clouds coming online as well as growth among OpenStack deployments of all sizes. Additional 2023 data around OpenStack operator demographics, deployment decisions, and cloud size can be found on the OpenStack analytics dashboard

Global OpenStack Footprint Grows with New Clouds, Growth Across Deployments of All Sizes

The first recorded measure of aggregated OpenStack compute cores was 10 million in 2018. Five years later, the footprint has grown 350% to 45 million compute cores powered by OpenStack running in production. While the growth is most notable among the world’s largest deployments, the growth continues to be seen across deployments of all sizes, regardless of industry and geography. 

A significant contributor to this is LINE, the Japanese messaging app that recently merged with Yahoo! Japan to form LY, whose OpenStack deployment grew from 4 million cores last year to 6.9 million cores this year. Large scale OpenStack user Workday also added another 800,000 cores and OVH reached the 1 million core threshold for the first time and its engineers say this growth is expected to continue. 

While not all deployments are cataloged in the OpenStack User Survey, new clouds continue to be reported. This year, 12% of the clouds came online within the past nine months highlighting that even 13 years in, OpenStack continues to be adopted to set up new public and private cloud infrastructure. 

Smaller Teams Turning to OpenStack Clouds

One of the most interesting data points is around the number of deployments for organizations with 10-99 employees. Around 23% of deployments are managed by an organization this size and that’s the highest percentage this segment has had since 2015. The industry spread here is across academic / research and IT, showing that smaller organizations are having more success in getting OpenStack running in production. 

OpenStack Users Increasingly Implementing Recent Releases 

This year, 81% of OpenStack deployments run a version within the last 5 releases compared to 72% in 2022. The OpenInfra Foundation anticipates that this percentage will continue to improve with the implementation of a new release cadence this year. OpenStack 2023.1 (Antelope), released in March 2023, was the first in the Skip Level Upgrade Release Process (SLURP) cadence recently established by the Technical Committee. Every other release will be considered to be a “SLURP” release. Deployments wishing to stay on the six-month cycle will deploy every “SLURP” and “not-SLURP” release as they always have. Deployments wishing to move to a one-year upgrade cycle will synchronize on a “SLURP” release, and then skip the following “not-SLURP” release, upgrading when the subsequent “SLURP” is released. The community is hopeful that this alleviates some of the complexities within the OpenStack upgrade process.

Share your feedback 

The OpenStack User Survey is open year-round, and is hosted by the OpenInfra Foundation, who supports the OpenStack community as well as other open source projects. This survey captures the deployments and feedback cataloged between August 2022 and August 2023 and this report aggregates trends and notable statistical growth.

The OpenStack User Survey is an annual, opt-in survey for organizations running OpenStack. The analysis presented in this report represents the shared information, but the actual footprint of OpenStack powered clouds is much larger. If you are operating an OpenStack cloud or operating clouds for customers, please take the 2024 User Survey so we can understand the global footprint and pass your anonymous feedback along to the upstream development teams.

New in OpenStack Bobcat: Ironic team supports servicing nodes

Ironic now enables infrastructure operators to modify existing nodes using the “service steps” framework. Servicing allows operators to leverage steps, like you would for cleaning or customized deployments, to perform actions to modify deployed nodes in an ACTIVE state.

Previously, Ironic would not perform operations on active nodes, largely due to standing technical consensus within the Ironic project. Recent operator feedback and additional new features added to help model and support Data/Infrastructure Processing Units (DPUs/IPUs) has driven the Ironic community to re-evaluate this consensus and to adapt the capabilities in order to  add this new feature.

The main reason we envisioned for this feature was to enable infrastructure operators to perform firmware/software upgrades on these DPU/IPU devices, which are very much like embedded devices enabling a more performant and capable infrastructure environment. Much of Ironic’s work this past cycle was focused on this and similar use cases surrounding add-on Processing Units and their management which also impacts the management of the base physical machine.

Ironic operators have also long sought capabilities to make major changes to deployed nodes in a self-service and automated fashion. These operators have long wanted to perform actions such as re-configure RAID, apply firmware updates, or even re-execute benchmark operations. These actions are often necessary in the world of physical baremetal servers when performing both day to day maintenance as well as working to repair or verify that the equipment has been successfully repaired. The power of Ironic enables that operators can work to perform these actions at scale in an automated fashion, reducing the need to interact with individual server nodes to achieve the same results. This way operators are no longer forced to migrate workloads for relatively minor system modifications.

This added functionality represents a major step forward in terms of capabilities, and also the evolution of capabilities driven by human feedback in our Open Source communities. The project recognizes with any new and complex feature there may be additional room for improvement, or potential edge cases which we did not anticipate, and as such we do expect to continue to work in the area of these features in the coming development cycle (2024.1 “Caracal”) to harden as well further extend these capabilities with an eye on enabling simplified paths to manage complex nested structures within a bare metal node, the foundation of the modern data center. This space is made particularly challenging due to the increased adoption of Add-On Processing Units, but the Ironic project is up to the challenge.

If you’re an infrastructure operator, and interested in joining the discussion during the upcoming PTG, you’re welcome to join us in discussion during the upcoming PTG. Make sure you register for free ahead of time and find out about the topics.

You can learn about  the new Servicing feature, individual steps, and the cleaning framework this feature is built upon.

Learn more about OpenStack Bobcat, the 28th release of OpenStack, that was released on October 4, 2023.


New in OpenStack Bobcat: Manila team introduces resource lock framework

My name is Goutham Pacha Ravi and I am a core contributor for the OpenStack Manila project. Below is a feature request that was reported by an operator who would like to remain anonymous. Luckily, the operator engaged with the upstream OpenStack community and this feature has been delivered in OpenStack 2023.2, nicknamed the Bobcat release.

An operator reported to the OpenStack Manila team that a user deleted a share from Manila without realizing that the action would be irrevocable. The user later realized that an application was actively writing data into the share, and it crashed when the share was deleted. Unlike block storage volumes, shared file systems do not track connected clients, so there was no pre-condition that prevented the share to be deleted. The user did not perform a “soft-deletion” that would have relegated the share to a recycle bin for a specified duration, they had requested a permanent deletion. The user did not use the OpenStack Dashboard GUI (Horizon) which would have presented a confirmation dialog for the deletion. The user hadn’t taken a snapshot of the share from which the data could have been restored. Unintentional actions like this could jeopardize business continuity. So, Manila’s resource locks were designed to avoid such situations. They allow building a safety hatch on top of the limitation in traditional shared file systems and track in-use shares. Users may create any number of locks for any number of reasons on a given share, thereby preventing actions that may be detrimental to their use case.

A resource lock can currently protect shares and their access control rules from deletion. Since a shared file system is built for concurrent access from multiple OpenStack users within a project, multiple locks can be created. While creating a lock, the user provides the action they would like to prevent and a reason for the lock. The resource lock is then treated as a precondition that the API checks for when completing an action. If there are any locks that prevent an action, the action is aborted and the user requesting the action is provided an appropriate feedback. 

Resource locks can also be applied to hide sensitive fields within access control lists of shared file systems. Normally,  access control lists are available to all project users. However, there may be situations where a user wants to prevent other project users from gathering the access secret keys or a client identifier, such as the IP address of the hosts that are provided access. By placing a visibility lock during the access rule creation, the user can ensure that this data stays hidden to other users in their project. You can access the resource lock specifications here and here.

At the OpenInfra Summit Project Teams Gathering (PTG), we received a lot of interest for an upcoming feature in OpenStack Nova, VirtIOFS attachments. Through VirtIOFS, shared file systems from OpenStack Manila can be connected to virtual machine instances in a secure, hypervisor-mediated manner akin to block storage volumes. Nova would need to place a deletion lock on the share while it is attached to a virtual machine. It was hence important for resource locks to be introduced in Manila. VirtIOFS is a much anticipated feature in particular for public cloud operators who helped us prioritize its delivery in the upcoming cycle. Independently, the Manila team plans to continue extending the resource locks framework to other API resources and actions in the upcoming releases.

“The VirtIOFS feature is something that we at Cleura have been looking forward to, as this will make the architecture much better for us as an operator of public clouds. It also makes the user experience and resource efficiency much better for the end users, creating the same look and feel as working with block storage volumes. The resource lock feature is crucial here as well to get that great user experience. With these features in place we feel confident in bringing Manila into production and make the much requested functionality of shared file systems as a service available to our customers. We are really greatful for the good collaboration with the community, and the Manila team in particular, it really shows how important the collaboration between operators and developers is, and how we together can do great things with that collaboration.” – Tobias Rydberg, head of design and architecture at Cleura

Thank you to the contributors who joined me in delivering this feature for the OpenStack Bobcat release, Rene Ribaud, Software Engineer at Red Hat and Carlos Eduardo da Silva, Software Engineer at Red Hat.

The discussion will continue at the upcoming virtual PTG (October 23-27) where operators and developers will discuss Manila features and bug requests planned for the OpenStack 2024.1, Caracal release.

Learn more about OpenStack Bobcat, the 28th release of OpenStack, that was released on October 4, 2023.



New in OpenStack Bobcat: Horizon team introduces time-based one-time password (TOTP) authentication support

Horizon added time-based one-time password (TOTP) authentication support, leveraging the already existing two factor authentication from Keystone. Now, if a user activates TOTP on Keystone, it gets activated on Horizon too. 

This specific feature request was a demand from Infomaniak’s public cloud customers. They wanted the feature to have TOTP in Horizon, as they were feeling rightly that this would improve security. If a user on an OpenStack cloud gets their password compromised (stolen, laptop hacked, etc), then the TOTP still requires a second device. The TOTP authentication token is usually stored on a phone running Android or IOS (but there is also “numberstation” for example, that can run on any Debian-based OS, including the Mobian platform, so it really runs on any phone).

As an OpenStack operator, it is Infomaniak’s policy to always send patches upstream, and never put in production patches that haven’t been merged. Once a patch is merged, it can usually be backported in the unofficial Debian package backports is maintained on http://osbpo.debian.net. This way, there is always a working upgrade path, which is super important.

This feature is a significant contribution to OpenStack Horizon, because if there were a problem on OpenStack, and TOTP was enabled only in Keystone, the user would not be able to connect to Horizon. This would have removed an operator’s access to the web interface to manage the rest of its OpenStack services. 

Benjamin Lasseye, site reliability engineer at Infomaniak, started by trying out different mock-ups on April 24, 2023. Once he was happy with the user experience, he went ahead with the feature.The first patchset was sent June 6, and the patch was merged on August 29. It took a surprising long time, because from early June to end of July, the Horizon CI was broken, so there was no way to check if our patch was breaking anything. Thomas wrote to the mailing list to ask what was going on, and the Horizon team was able to reply nicely with a coherent explanation: there was a mixture of JQuery related dependency hell that they had to tackle. In this type of case, one just need to be patient.

Then it took up to 29 patch iterations to get things right. Benjamin was very patient and addressed all the suggestions from the Horizon core team to get to this result.

All this was only possible because there is a proven way to get patches merged in upstream OpenStack that was carefully followed. One must make sure to include in the patch: 

  • a correct documentation
  • a release notes 
  • some meaningful unit or functional tests

In terms of feature completion, Benjamin has made it easy to activate the OTP feature, which is OFF by default to allow smoother upgrades. After more feedback, it could be implemented in Horizon’s default configuration. There is also still room for more contribution. There could be a feature in Horizon so an admin could activate TOTP for a user using Horizon. Even though anyone could contribute the feature, Infomaniak is not planning to do it, as the automated task is done in their own web interface, using the Keystone API (via the openstacksdk). 

To be enable TOTP,  here is some guidance and documentation:

We welcome the OpenStack operator and developer community to continue the work we have started here to continue to prioritize security for all OpenStack Horizon users!  

Thank you to the OpenStack contributors who helped build, review, and merge this feature for OpenStack 2023.2, Bobcat:

  • Vishal Manchanda, technical lead from NEC Corporation, India, was very helpful, and wrote many comments in the patch review.
  • Radomir Dopieralskim, software engineer from Red Hat in Poland, also helped with reviewing the patch.
  • Benjamin Lasseye, SRE at Infomaniak, is the main author of the patch.
  • Thomas Goirand, senior OpenStack administrator at Infomaniak and Debian package maintainer of OpenStack since 2011, advised and helped Bejamin getting the patch in a good enough shape so it could be merged.

About Infomaniak: 
Infomaniak has been using OpenStack in production since 2014, first providing a VM service, which they still do. Infomaniak operates now a moderately large public cloud cluster (10k physical core, with more than 1PB NVMe Ceph storage, powering about 4k VMs). Infomaniak also offers the best pricing available on the market, running on recent hardware (AMD Epyc and Gen 4 NVMe). Everything is setup and maintained using free software, including a cluster management tool, a billing add-on to Ceilometer, or some Designate tools. All of this, is uploaded to Debian (as Thomas Goirand has been maintaining OpenStack in Debian since 2011). This public cloud service has been running for two years already, and Infomaniak is currently working toward setting-up a 2nd region in their new data center that is about to open for production (hopefully, that done for early 2024), using even more up-to-date hardware (AMD EPYC Genoa, PCI 5, DDR5, etc.).

Learn more about OpenStack Bobcat, the 28th release of OpenStack, that was released on October 4, 2023.


Lifetime OpenStack Contributor Metrics Now Available in Bitergia Dashboard

Contributing to OpenStack and joining the community is one of my proudest accomplishments, hands down. In fact, I actually have a skirt printed with lines of code showing the state of OpenStack (projects.yaml) from the day my first patch landed in Cinder. 

But it’s definitely not just me that has made OpenStack into one of the top five most active open source projects in the world. Thousands of contributors from around the world have delivered changes, bug fixes, and documentation. The data behind these contributors has been something we announce twice a year, with each new software release, but it hasn’t been available to the general public in a clear and easy way to explore. Until now. 

During the OpenInfra Summit Vancouver keynotes this morning, I had the pleasure of announcing the availability of an OpenStack dashboard that collects and analyzes the data behind the OpenStack repositories. This dashboard is made available by Bitergia, the official metrics partner of the OpenInfra Foundation. 

Here are some trends and data points that the dashboard provides: 

  • The evolution of contribution to the different OpenStack projects over time
  • The distribution of repositories across OpenStack components 

The part that I am most excited about is that the OpenStack contribution data can also be visually connected to data from adjacent open source communities, like Kubernetes. This illustrates the power of cross-community collaboration to ensure interoperability between the two projects – something that thousands of organizations rely on. 

If you want to become part of this intertwined network, the OpenStack community is always welcoming new contributors! Reach out to the First Contact SIG or check out the Upstream Investment Opportunities list for more information! 

Calling all OpenStack Operators! The PTG starts Monday, and the community needs your input!

I’m an OpenStack Operator going to the PTG, where should I go? 

PTGs aren’t just for OpenInfra developers! The discussions need perspectives from a broader group to make the event successful. This includes operators who are running OpenInfra projects in production (Public and Private Cloud, Research, etc), plan to run a project in the future, or simply projects that you have feedback for.  Even if you are running an older release of OpenStack, your feedback and questions and opinions are still incredibly valuable!

The schedule is mostly setup in the PTGbot and you are encouraged to attend any that fit with your schedule! Agendas can be found in the project etherpads here. Aside from the OpenStack Operators session taking place on Thursday – you are a team as well afterall! – there are a few sessions that would be good to make sure are on your list of discussions to attend.

Registration is free.






There are a lot of opportunities to make an impact on the software and help the community next week; please get involved!

Virtuozzo joins the OpenStack Marketplace, and Sharktech does too. Shouldn’t you?

We’re excited to announce that Virtuozzo is now part of the OpenStack Marketplace – and even better, our US cloud partner Sharktech has joined too.

The OpenStack Marketplace has a simple goal: to make it easy to find cloud services and technologies that help you leverage the awesome open-source OpenStack framework. It’s a natural home for Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure, our production-ready OpenStack cloud platform.

By making OpenStack easy to deploy, manage and update – and easy to monetize – Virtuozzo enables any Cloud Service Provider, MSP or Telco to offer a much more affordable and compelling alternative to hyperscale clouds like AWS and Azure, without the time and cost of developing their own solution.

You can now find Virtuozzo in the OpenStack Marketplace Distro, Public Cloud and Hosted Private Cloud categories – check them out!

“There’s a shift underway in the market as organizations realize that managed services for open-source projects like OpenStack have matured to become full-fledged competitors to hyperscale cloud providers. This shift is both healthy and necessary, as organizations work to claw back control over their data and where compute takes place. The rapidly growing, global footprint of OpenStack managed services is contributing to this shift, and it’s exciting to see collaboration among players like Virtuozzo and Sharktech delivering these services at scale,” said Jimmy McArthur, Senior Manager of Community and Business Development at OpenInfra Foundation.

OpenStack at the Heart of Alternative Cloud

Speaking about the news, Virtuozzo CEO Alex Fine said: “Wherever we turn and whomever we speak to – cloud users, cloud providers, analysts or partners – the message is clear: the world needs an alternative to the super-complex and expensive hyperscale clouds.”

“Virtuozzo is leading the charge to make cloud easy, accessible and affordable for all. That is what we call the alternative cloud, and OpenStack technologies are at its heart. We’re excited to be part of the OpenStack Marketplace, along with more and more of our partners – the companies bringing alternative cloud services to businesses across the world.”

Building the future of cloud with OpenStack technologies is part of our long-term commitment and passion for open-source. For more than 20 years, the Virtuozzo engineering team has been actively contributing to OpenStack, Linux and the Linux kernel – including KVM, QEMU and LibVirt, CRIU and P.Haul – and of course OpenVZ, and VzLinux, our own free distro.

Sharktech Joins, Too

The latest Virtuozzo partner to join the marketplace is Sharktech. Founded in 2003, Sharktech has grown from its headquarters in Las Vegas to offer a range of hosting services from datacenters in Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago and Amsterdam.

In 2021, Sharktech launched a new range of cloud services based on Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure. Sharktech is now an important part of the Virtuozzo cloud ecosystem, not just for SME and enterprise users, but for other service providers looking to build their own cloud services business.

“OpenStack always had the potential to become the de facto cloud platform, but for hosting providers like us, it was always kind of daunting. That isn’t because we don’t have the skills to build our own OpenStack cloud – it’s just the time and cost of building it ourselves,” said Sharktech CEO, Tim Timrawi.

“Virtuozzo has streamlined OpenStack, removed the complexity and packaged it in a way that makes sense for service providers. As a result, we can bring high quality, ultra-robust and very cost-effective services to market – and of course, we’re excited that Sharktech cloud is now easy to find through the OpenStack Marketplace.”  

More Info

Virtuozzo is the easiest way for service providers to create their own profitable, successful cloud services business.

Learn more about Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure, and don’t forget to check out Sharktech.net… …and of course, if you already offer cloud based on Virtuozzo Hybrid Infrastructure, get your brand and services added to the OpenStack Marketplace!