I am pleased to announce the formation of the OpenStack Conference/Design Summit Program Committee who will work as a group to create the event agenda as well as overall conference theme. The following community members have volunteered their time:
- Glen Campbell, Rackspace
- Ram Durairaj, Cisco
- David Holland
- Jaesuk Ahn, Korea Telecom
- Andrew Shafer, CloudScaling
- Thierry Carrez, OpenStack Release Manager
- Stephen Spector, OpenStack Community Manager
As the event is for the entire community, all community members are encouraged to participate with this group of volunteers in providing feedback and ideas for the agenda and theme. To monitor all event planning please watch this Wiki page (http://wiki.openstack.org/Summit/Spring2011) as well as the following three EtherPads:
- The complete schedule for planning the event is live at http://etherpad.openstack.org/dsignsummit-scheduleapr2011
- The public event agenda discussion and creation is live at http://etherpad.openstack.org/DesignSummitApril2011
- The public event theme discussion and creation is live at http://etherpad.openstack.org/DSApr11-Theme
I am also announcing that we have signed the contract with the Hyatt Santa Clara hotel for the event from April 26-29, 2011 and have obtained a discounted room rate for attendees with a room block. Please plan on staying at the hotel during the event as we will have a 24 hour lounge available for attendees to meet and work together as well as plenty of time for community members to hang out. If you are budget minded, we can also setup a room sharing program to ensure attendees can take part in this 24/7 event.
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