OpenStack is no one person or company or idea or line of code. It derives its strength from the collective community. No matter when you joined or what role you play, you have the ability to shape the future of OpenStack and computing.
In three short years since the community was established, OpenStack has truly become the center of cloud innovation, attracting hundreds of talented developers, brand-name users, and support from major industry leaders. This calls for a big toast to you, the OpenStack community!
We invite you all to join the party and celebrate 3 awesome years of stacking:
- Check out OpenStack’s Birthday Page featuring the latest stats, infographic and a web badge to download
- Visit the OpenStack booth at OSCON, July 22-26, in Portland, OR and attend the birthday party, Wednesday, July 24
- Attend your local birthday party, more than 40 are taking place around the world this week!
- Learn about the contributors who make OpenStack successful through the #OpenStack #OpenMic series
- Join the conversation on Twitter today using the hashtag #OpenStack3Bday
We’d also like to share some great perspectives from community leaders about the significance of three years for OpenStack, and where the community is headed:
- Nati Shalom, CTO, GigaSpaces and OpenStack Israel organizer looks to the future of OpenStack
- Roy Amir, Cloud Business Strategy and Partnerships at Alcatel-Lucent celebrates three years
- Elise Arthurs, Sr Marketing Director at RightScale highlights their customers using OpenStack and how far we’ve come in three years
- David Dale, Director of Industry Standards at NetApp commemorates the third birthday
- Atul Jha, OpenStack India Organizer, wishes OpenStack a happy birthday
Happy 3rd birthday to the OpenStack Community!
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