Nati Shalom from GigaSpaces posted a blog today, “GigaSpaces OpenStack Explained.”
From the post,
One of the major concerns of many IT organizations is cloud vendor lock-in. This concern was expressed recently in “Banks fear cloud vendor lock-in,” from IT Wire:
The onset of cloud computing gives vendors the chance to lock customers in to their infrastructure, using proprietary protocols to ensure they’re on the monthly billing cycle as long as possible.
The OpenStack project emerged with a mission to address this concern by creating a community-led open source project enabling any organization to create and offer cloud computing services running on standard hardware.
GigaSpaces joined the OpenStack project with the mission to enable any organization to build its own Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), with its own choice of language and best-of-breed middleware stack.
In this post, I’ll try to provide more insight into our current and future plans around OpenStack, and more specifically our joint collaboration with the Citrix OpenCloud initiative.
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