Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Ruoyu Ying

Date Joined
July 24, 2018

Statement of Interest



Ruoyu Ying is a cloud software engineer from Network and Storage team, System Software Product(SSP) department of IAGS, Intel. She joined Intel after achieved her master degree from Hong Kong University majoring in Computer Science and now working as a key contributor in OOF project and also the committer of VFC project in the ONAP community. Ruoyu also takes her time in edge researching. She first participated in the composition of the white paper on edge computing. And later she successfully delivered a presentation named 'Akraino, EdgeX, CORD, OpenEdge, ioFog... What's the best solution for your edge?' in the Denver summit.

OpenStack Summit Presentations