Vishal Manchanda
Date Joined
October 16, 2018
Statement of Interest
Vishal Manchanda is currently working with NEC Corporation India. He has more than 5 years of experience in OpenStack. He is a core reviewer of Horzion, the dashboard of OpenStack since the train release, and serving as Horizon PTL from the Xena release. Vishal also has experience in OpenStack deployment and worked on the Fiware SmartCity project and done Some POCs using different Fiware Generic Enablers for the client. He is also a Certified OpenStack/Kubernetes Administrator.
Vishal is a traveler and loves trekking, listening to music, explore new places in his spare time.
*independent - From 2024-09-03 (Current)
NEC - From 2018-10-16 To 2024-09-02
I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Dashboard (Horizon)
OpenStack Summit Presentations