Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


Michael Xevgenis

Date Joined
May 18, 2019

Statement of Interest

For over three years we are using the OpenStack cloud solution in our cloud computing infrastructure. Currently, we develop software solutions over our OpenStack cloud which are supporting European research projects. Also we are very active with the OpenStack community here in Greece through the Athens OpenStack user meetup group. Therefore we are willing to strengthen our bonds with the OpenStack community by becoming members of its foundation. It is very important for us to become an official member considering that we are one of the largest academic institutions in Greece and we are involved in various research projects. As a result, we are confident that we can further contribute to the development of OpenStack in Greece.


Michael Xevgenis is a PhD candidate at the University of West Attica and a member of the Computer Network and Services Research Team (CONSERT) of University of West Attica. His research concerns are on the Networking, Blockchain technology and Cloud Computing sector. The last few years he has participated as a researcher in EU funded projects. Finally, he holds a Master in Data and Networking Communications from Kingston University in collaboration with TEI of Piraeus.


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Networking (Neutron),Deploys OpenStack in containers using Ansible (Kolla-ansible),Ansible playbooks to deploy OpenStack (Openstack-ansible)