Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Gabriel Adrian Samfira

Date Joined
August 21, 2013



Statement of Interest

I want to contribute to OpenStack and help make it an even more amazing and ubiquitous open source IaaS.


Gabriel has been involved in systems engineering and operations for the past 10+ years, mixing systems administration with development whenever needed. He has a background in deploying and managing large scale web services mostly on GNU/Linux systems.

In 2013 he became part of an amazing startup called Cloudbase Solutions which focuses on cloud computing interoperability. Based in Timisoara, Romania, Cloudbase Solutions provides integration between OpenStack and Windows, including the Hyper-V Nova Compute driver and Cloudbase-Init (Cloud-Init for Windows).

He is currently the technical lead of the team responsible for automating the deployment of Microsoft workloads both in OpenStack as well as on top of OpenStack and various other scenarios.

  • Cloudbase Solutions Srl - From (Current)

OpenStack Summit Presentations