Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


masahito muroi

Date Joined
September 30, 2013



Statement of Interest

virtual machine, policy, VM-HA


Masahito Muroi is a senior software enginer in LINE. He is in charge of developing LINE's private clouds, which is developed on OpenStack and accomodates over 1,000 HV and 20,000 VMs for production use.  He is a member of core developers in OpenStack Blazar project and OpenStack Congress project. He ran Blazar PTL Ocata cycle to Rocky cycle.  He is involved in cloud technology area more than 8 years.

  • LY Corporation - From 2023-10-01 (Current)
  • LINE - From 2019-08-01 To 2023-09-30
  • NTT - From 2013-09-30 To 2019-07-31


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Governance (Congress),Resource reservation service (Blazar)

OpenStack Summit Presentations
OpenInfra Summit Vancouver 2023
  • LINE's 6 years journey to 4 million cores
  • Blazar - Project Update - November 2019
Berlin Vancouver, BC Sydney Boston Barcelona, Spain Austin Tokyo

Speaker Profile: