Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Andrew Sparke

Date Joined
June 13, 2023

Statement of Interest

A Forward-Thinking Pioneer: Central to Andrew Sparke's accomplishments lies his visionary approach to leadership.

**ANDREW SPARKE** boasts extensive expertise as a seasoned resources analyst, fund manager, and capital markets specialist, amassing an impressive 19-year tenure in the field. Throughout his career, he has consistently delivered fruitful outcomes through his adept handling of corporate transactions. These transactions encompass a diverse range of endeavors, such as initial public offerings (IPOs), private placements, and secondary market transactions. Sparke's unwavering commitment to excellence has garnered him widespread acclaim, establishing him as an esteemed and reliable figure within the industry.
  • QMines Limited - From 2020-01-04 (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Dashboard (Horizon)