Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Divya K Konoor

Date Joined
August 01, 2014

Statement of Interest

OpenStack contribution

Divya K Konoor has 20 years of experience in the IT industry with around 17 years in Cloud Technologies, Virtualization, Systems Management, Security and Confidential Computing . She is a Senior Technical Staff Member in IBM Z Systems and leads offerings like Hyper Protect Crypto Services, Hyper Protect Virtual Service, Crypto Appliance and other Hyper Protect Offerings. She has over 18 years in Security, Cloud / Virtualization Technologies across IBM Z and Power Systems. She has also been a Project Team Lead for one of the Opensource (PowerVM driver) community projects. She is a passionate speaker and product evangelist with multiple blogs, technical articles, patents and IP Publications including in WeQuity Spotlight, IBM AoT , OpenStack Summit, ACM K, CDAC Cloud Auditing , IEEE CCEM speaker / technical papers, IEEE Wintechon technical committee member, GHC speaker/ reviewer, OpenStack India Days Speaker etc
  • IBM Cloud Infrastructure Services - From 2007-05-25 (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Keystone,Ceilometer

OpenStack Summit Presentations
OpenInfra Summit Vancouver 2023
  • Optimizing the resources using Openstack Watcher
  • Confidential Computing with OpenStack
Virtual Open Infrastructure Summit
  • Automation of Cleanup on the storage backend using ELK stack(log analyzer)
  • OpenStack Scale and Performance Discussion

Speaker Profile: