Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Don Dorsey

Date Joined
May 05, 2015

Statement of Interest

Cloud Security and CI/CD pipline automation.

 20 + yrs of Computer and Networking at fortune 100 companies including Cisco Systems, Microsoft, ExxonMobil, WorldCom, Texas Instruments, Cyrix and Comcast. Summary: 10+yrs, Operations, Security 5+ yrs. Video and SDLC DevOps and End User support of Global Linux servers in DEV and PROD environments. Security and Capacity utilization Monitoring, Maintenance and Patching, including use of BMC AIOps TrueSight. Updating Application Host Security Servers for Authorization and Logging on SafeWord, and Powerbroker. SW Release Deployment and Validation with BMC RLM tools. SOC Monitoring and Resolution Support. Reporting tools: JIRA, Archer, and Service Now.

Speaker Profile: