Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Samir Ibradžić

Date Joined
July 15, 2015

Statement of Interest

Running OpenStack as a production-worthy platform for all corporate IT


In Line Corp. I try to close the distance between the traditional Service IT Infrastructure world and the contemporary trends of Anything & Everything as a Service. I provide an insight on how to overcome cultural IT gaps, and how to architect, design, develop and operate OpenStack based private cloud(s).

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At Midokura, I take care about internal IT infrastructure, whose main part is the 'MidoCloud', a production level MidoNet based OpenStack private cloud, split over 2 datacenter worldwide.

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Prior to Midokura, I worked mainly with VoIP systems, as a distributed and HA infrastructure architect.

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I earned a Master's Degree at Tokyo Institue of Technology in 2009.


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Compute Service (Nova),Networking (Neutron),Identity service (Keystone),DNS Service (Designate),Ansible Playbooks for OpenStack (OpenStackAnsible),Puppet Modules for OpenStack (Puppet OpenStack),Deployment service (TripleO),Neutron Plugin (Dragonflow)

OpenStack Summit Presentations