Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile


ranganath sunku

Date Joined
July 28, 2015



Statement of Interest

Contribute code to OpenStack services


Sunku Ranganath is a Network Software Engineer at Intel specializing in platform service assurance and active contributor to OPNFV Barometer & VSPERF projects. Sunku's work has been lot of fun integrating and benchmarking NFV and SDN use-cases and deployments based on OpenStack, Open Virtual Switch (OVS), Open Flow and Data Plane Development Kit (DPDK). Sunku has a background in network drivers, security firmware and complex systems integration.


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Compute Service (Nova),Networking (Neutron),Monitoring (Monasca),Alarming Service (aodh),RCA (Root Cause Analysis service) (Vitrage),Optimization Service (Watcher)

OpenStack Summit Presentations

Speaker Profile: