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Individual Member Profile

Ulas Kozat

Date Joined
September 17, 2015



Statement of Interest

OpenStack is one of the upstream projects for OPNFV.


Ulas Kozat was a senior member of technical staff at Huawei R&D in Santa Clara, CA. At Huawei, he led several R&D and open source projects in the areas of Software Defined Mobile Networks and Network Function Virtualization.  Previously, he has worked as principal research scientist at Argela USA in Sunnyvale, CA and as principal research engineer at DOCOMO Innovations (formerly DOCOMO USA Labs) in Palo Alto, CA. 

Ulas Kozat received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park, USA; M.Sc. from the George Washington University, Washington DC, USA; and B.Sc. from the Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey all in Electrical & Electronics/Computer Engineering.  

Dr. Kozat has published extensively ( and holds several patents ( in the areas of network modeling; cross-layer optimization; and architecture, protocol, algorithm design. He is a co-recipient of the best paper awards in IEEE ICC-2011 and ACM VISA-2010 conferences. He has served in the organization and technical programming committees of various prestigious venues including IEEE NFV-SDN, IEEE Infocom, IEEE ICC, IEEE Globecom, IEEE PIMRC, ACM Mobicom, ACM Mobisys, ACM ATC. He is a senior member of IEEE.

  • Futurewei Technologies Inc. - From 2015-08-24 (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Quantum,Heat

OpenStack Summit Presentations