Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Mark Beierl

Date Joined
February 09, 2016



Statement of Interest

Interested in contributing to Ironic and Python Drac client.


Mark is a senior software developer at Canonical, is the Devops Module Development Lead in ETSI OSM, is the Project Team Lead for the OPNFV StorPerf project and the current vice chair of the OPNFV TSC.

Mark is passionate about testing and code quality, as well as being actively involved in the OSM and OPNFV communities, and mentoring new members.

Mark lives in Cambridge Ontario, Canada with his wife and 5 children, and plays the bass in his spare time.


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Bare Metal Provisioning Service (Ironic)

OpenStack Summit Presentations