Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Vincenzo Di Somma

Date Joined
September 17, 2012

vds on freenode




Statement of Interest

I'm very interested in Cloud Tecnologies, I used them every day, I'd love to contribute to build the most amazing Open Source Cloud Computing platform in the world.


Over the course of his career, Vincenzo started working at Reflab SRL as co-founder and chief technology officer in 2002. In this role, he served as senior consultant and technical leader of the Open Source CMS formulation and consultations with Zope and Plone. Afterwards, he joined Canonical Limited and took the position of senior software engineer for cloud engineering and Ubuntu One Personal Cloud. Vincenzo was in charge of the development of personal cloud systems, identity management systems, and cloud provisioning systems.

Throughout the years he spent to strengthen his grip on technology, Vincenzo later on took high-level responsibilities. In 2014 he joined Monetas AG, as product security lead, team lead, and senior software engineer. Vincenzo rendered expert management during the development and implementation of security policies. Moreover, his expertise in system architecture and design as well as in Open Source security brought notable additions in the companies he has worked for.

Vincenzo continued in displaying his expertise. To cite a few examples, he led the Oxfam CMS Project as custom developer in centralizing CMS system to enable editors to spread among tens of countries to edit more than thirty Oxfam public web sites. He continued to deliver promising additions by leading the United Nations Joint Logistics Center in 2003; Ubuntu One Project developer in 2008; and Juju in 2012. As of present, Vincenzo works Project as the product security lead of the Monetas Platform, a crypto-finance platform that enables everyone including the world’s billions of unbanked to access the full spectrum of financial services from mobile devices.

Regarding his credentials, Vincenzo is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Moreover, Vincenzo’s interest in information technology security and cloud-related technologies as well as identification and authorization systems drove him further in the process of knowledge acquisition.

Apart from his full-time engagements, Vincenzo has delivered innovative talks at international conferences in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Furthermore, Vincenzo is a founder of Tuscany Bitcoin Meet-Up and Golang Meet-Up, and a member of Plone and Openstack Foundation, EFF and OWASP. He currently resides in Pisa, Italy.

  • None - From (Current)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Dashboard (Horizon)

Speaker Profile: