Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Muhammad Tahir Masood

Date Joined
May 25, 2016

Statement of Interest

Interested in bench marking of OpenStack on different hardware platforms like HP , Dell using VNFs to validate visualize the use case of Openstack in NFV. OpenStack as VIM to fulfill the NFV requirements and working with Orchestration i.e OSM and Murano etc.


Currently working with a team of engineers with the aim of providing high quality software for deployment and testing solutions. Excellent knowledge in Telecommunications, Unified Communication, Video Conference Network layer, Switches, Routers, Cloud operating systems and Software solutions. Creative engineer with the capability to work in a team to meet customer expectations deadlines and challenges with rapidly evolving technology.

Working experience includes Internship experiences in leading telecommunication industries of the world such as Huawei and ZTE with emphasis on both access and core technologies such as in the domain of Next Generation Networks (NGN) , 4G and 3G access networks as well as present experience in latest telecommunication technologies such as Network function virtualization (NFV), Sofware defined networking (SDN), Networking and Cloud operating systems (Openstack)


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Dashboard (Horizon),Compute Service (Nova),Networking (Neutron),Object Store (Swift),Block Storage (Cinder),Identity service (Keystone),Image Service (Glance),Metering & Data Collection Service (Ceilometer),Orchestration (Heat),Bare Metal Provisioning Service (Ironic),Application Catalog (Murano)

Speaker Profile: