Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Member Profile

Elliot Nichols

Date Joined
May 18, 2017

Statement of Interest

Contributor for OpenStack to continually attempt to reduce resource usage and increase efficiency.


I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Dashboard (Horizon),Compute Service (Nova),Object store (Swift),Bare Metal Provisioning Service (Ironic),Instances High Availability Service (Masakari),Image service (Glance),Swift,Keystone,Openstackclient,Horizon,Nova,EC2API,Cinder,Zun,OpenStackAnsible,Ec2-api,Chef-openstack,Openstack-chef,Bifrost,Freezer,Puppet-openstack,Trove,Glance,Monasca,Manila