Venkata Sai Phani Gardas
Date Joined
July 31, 2017
Statement of Interest
Openstack Follower, Aspiring Contributor
Venkata Sai Phani Gardas has 7 years of experience in the IT industry with around 4 years in Cloud Technologies and Systems Orchestration. He has been working on different roles and works on OpenStack Cloud Platform and is a member/user of different OpenStack projects (nova , keystone , heat etc) and has the focus on the orchestration of the NFV products in multiple versions of openstack environments. His interest areas include containerization, orchestration and monitoring.
Verizon Wireless - From 2023-07-24 (Current)
I'm involved in the following OpenStack projects: Dashboard (Horizon),Compute Service (Nova),Identity service (Keystone),Metering & Data Collection Service (Ceilometer),Orchestration (Heat),NFV Orchestration (Tacker),Block Storage (Cinder),Containers Service (Zun),Monitoring (Monasca),Ansible playbooks using ironic (Bifrost),Ansible playbooks and roles for deployment (OpenStackAnsible),Chef cookbooks to deploy OpenStack (Chef-openstack)