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Individual Speaker Profile

Date Joined: December 21, 2016
Country: China
Home Town: Shanghai
Zip Code: 201103
Registered for Upcoming Summit: No
Statement of Interest

I want to work on the Swift Hummingbird project

Areas Of Expertise
  • Linux
  • Storage
  • Object Storage
  • OpenStack Swift
  • Virtualization


Jeff has been working in storage area for nearly 4 years. He worked on several storage projects like vNAS, vBlob at VMware after his graduation from Fudan University. Later he joined iQiyi which is the largest online video site in China as a storage architect. His main task at iQiyi is contributing to transfer the whole storage infrastructure from POSIX filesystem access to object storage acess with OpenStack Swift. At the moment, he is focusing on optimizing Swift with lots of small files to meet business needs.

Presentations from previous and upcoming OpenInfra Summits:

Willing to present via video conference: Yes
Willing to travel to any country: Yes
Fluent in
  • English

Contact Jeff