Gary Egan is the Foundation Director of the Monash Biomedical Imaging (MBI) research facilities and Professor in the School of Psychological Sciences at Monash University. The MBI research infrastructure includes an advanced ultrahigh field MRI and PET-CT scanners for clinical and preclinical research. The MBI facilities are located adjacent to and connected with the Australian Synchrotron Imaging and Medical Beam Line which together are the only integrated synchrotron imaging and multi-modality (MRI/PET/SPECT) biomedical imaging research facility worldwide. He was formerly a Senior Principal Research Fellow at the Howard Florey Institute, University of Melbourne and Associate Director and Professor in the Centre for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne
Prof Egan is the Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function. The Centre’s research will focus on the greatest scientific challenge of the 21st Century: to understand the link between brain activity and human behaviour. To achieve this goal the Centre's research program will integrate the work of many of Australia’s leading brain researchers in the fields of anatomy, physiology, neuroimaging, informatics, neural modeling and neuroengineering.
He is head of the Victorian Life Sciences Computational Initiative and Life Sciences Computational Centre Computational Imaging Theme that is based at Monash University He is lead investigator of the Victorian Biomedical Imaging Capability (Victorian Science Agenda grant, 2010-13) that funded the MRI, PET-CT and animal imaging facilities at Victorian research organisations, led by Monash University. He is the Deputy Director of the Australian National Imaging Facility (National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Scheme, Education Investment Fund and Collaborative Research Infrastructure grants, 2007-12) and node director of the Monash University node of NIF.
Prof Egan leads the development of advanced MRI methods to develop MR biomarkers for use in future clinical drug trials in neurodegenerative diseases. His research focuses on the development of neuroimaging biomarkers to enable identification of progressive neurodegeneration and neural dysfunction in the clinical neurosciences. His research team has also developed novel MRI techniques to quantify axonal and myelin pathology in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and animal models of MS.
He has achieved of a substantive body of published work that has made a significant impact on the neuroimaging and neuroscience fields. He has published over 200 papers in peer reviewed journals: 24 in leading particle physics journals (1990-93) resulting from my PhD and post-doctoral research; 25 papers in medical imaging research related to positron emission tomography (1995-99); and over 150 papers in neuroimaging and neuroscience (including 82 publications since 2008). I have an H-score of 40 and over 5,000 citations to my publications (Thomson ISI), and a Google h-index of 57 with over 9,000 citations (see
He has the ability to attract high-quality postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows and has supervised 18 postgraduate and post-doctoral students, with eight completing in the past 5 years. He has sustained success in obtaining significant and substantial grants to support his research, as a chief investigator (CI) on 23 peer reviewed funded grants in the past five years ($41.4 million). Throughout his career he has been awarded a total of 18 NHMRC grants, 13 ARC grants, 2 NIH grants and 24 other grants in competitive grant applications (total received funding $50.5 million).