Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Speaker Profile

Charly Batista Back to Speakers Bureau

Date Joined: July 01, 2019
Country: China
Home Town: Shanghai
Zip Code: 230000
Registered for Upcoming Summit: No
Statement of Interest

Help OpenStack succeed as reference for open source cloud platform and learn more in the process.

Areas Of Expertise
  • Database
  • Monitoring
  • Backend Development
  • Software Architecture
  • System Administration


Charly has been working with IT for many years and has helped companies in many different roles and areas such Software Architecture, Data Administration, System Administration, leading Developers, etc. He helped to design some of the features of the system used in the Brazilian Postal Service, the largest Java project in Latin America back that time and saw how the infrastructure has evolved since then learning and also evolving on the way. Monolithic systems replaced by modular and systems and evolving to API driven, the improvement of virtualization with better hardware capabilities and then the containerization. 

Charly now lives in Shanghai-China and works at Percona as Senior Engineer and Tech Leader of the APAC support team helping corporations to have their databases always sane, secure, reliable and fast.

Additional presentations:

Willing to present via video conference: Yes
Willing to travel to any country: Yes
Fluent in
  • English
  • Portuguese

Contact Charly