Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

Individual Speaker Profile

Michael Mendy Back to Speakers Bureau

Date Joined: February 06, 2022
Country: United States
Home Town:
Zip Code: 94538
Registered for Upcoming Summit: No
  • Travis CI - From 2019-10-23 (Current)
Statement of Interest

Linux has been my passion since I first discovered it as a 14-year-old. In the decades since, I've become an expert in many of the front-end and back-end processes that make Linux tick. I enjoy taking on intensely hands-on Linux challenges, like installing Gentoo blindfolded - a distribution that requires compiling the system from source code.

My deep knowledge and lifelong experience with Linux allow me to leverage its capabilities to solve complex tech problems. I remain passionate about contributing to Linux's ongoing development and guiding others in using this powerful open source operating system effectively.

Areas Of Expertise
  • Continious Integration
  • Linux
  • Python
  • Kernel
  • Git


I'm a Software Engineer at Travis CI from San Francisco, California. I've helped with the Linux community since 2005, submitted kernel patches, and love helping on the Ubuntu forums at large. I've given speeches/keynotes at IBM, Droidcon, LeadDev and Arm DevSummit. 

Additional presentations:

Willing to present via video conference: Yes
Willing to travel to any country: Yes
Fluent in
  • English

Contact Michael