Date Joined: July 14, 2015
Country: Brazil
Home Town: Campina Grande
Zip Code: 58415-260
Registered for Upcoming
Summit: No
- LSD-UFCG - From 2013-09-26 To 2015-11-02
Statement of Interest
Being a Sahara developer mainly, I am really interested in Big Data processing and improving that in the cloud.
Areas Of Expertise
- Distributed Systems
- Big Data Processing
- Event Stream Processing
Telles Nobrega has an MSc in Computer Science/Distributed Systems by the Federal University of Campina Grande - Brazil. Currently working as a software engineer at Red Hat, upstream contributor, Project Technical Lead of Sahara. Telles Nobrega has been contributing to OpenStack since IceHouse release with a special focus on the Sahara project but also worked on Keystone, Trove, and Nova.
Presentations from previous and upcoming OpenInfra Summits:
Vancouver, BC
Additional presentations:
Willing to present via video conference: Yes
Willing to travel to any country: Yes
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