Open Source Contribution
Openstack developer focussing on Compute(Nova), Containers(Magnum), Distributed Group Management and Locking(Tooz) projects.
Interested in distributed systems, distributed co-ordination and anything related to concurrency.
Based on the contributions till date received the OpenStack Contributor Award from OpenStack Foundation @ OpenStack Summit Austin!
Presented 4 talks at OpenStack Summit at Austin 2016.
1. How we keep breaking the Compute Scheduler at Scale! -
2. How Yahoo! Plans to Maximize Resource Consumption! -
3. Openstack Scheduling and Resource Management -
4. Quotas in OpenStack – Present and Future! -
Have been heavily involved inside Yahoo! to make OpenStack work at Scale. Using the experience to work at Scale by proposing new specs, blueprints that will help the community. Collaborated with CERN, HP, IBM, LSD-UFCG on Quota related efforts.
First one to introduce Nested Quota to OpenStack via Cinder. Introduced Consul driver to Tooz which will be used for DLM.