OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

Company Profile: Instituto de Telecomunicações

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Instituto de Telecomunicações


 IT is a private, non-profit organization. IT is organized around three research centers in the Portuguese cities of Aveiro, Coimbra and Lisbon. IT’s mission is to "create and disseminate scientific knowledge in the field of telecommunications" and so undertakes fundamental and applied research in telecommunications in an international context in order to improve higher education and training, both at graduate and postgraduate levels, and the competitiveness of Portuguese industry and telecommunications operators. IT focus on providing research and development in the areas relevant to modern and future Telecommunications operations. With the growing importance of Cloud Computing in this area, IT has been involved in several relevant activities/projects on the convergence of IT and Communications, which include: Cloudification of Telecom Services and Applications, Software-Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization, Web based Real-Time Communications, M2M Services and Applications, Big Data processing and storage.

Contributions To OpenStack From Instituto de Telecomunicações

IT has been using OpenStack both for production and development environments for over two years now. Development environments include national and European Commission funded projects on Cloud Computing, Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualizations (CloudThinking, CNPG, CSB). IT, particularly through its Advanced Telecommunications and Networks Group (ATNoG), is currently an active contributor to the OpenStack project through discussion, bug reporting, code, and blueprints submissions to projects Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Horizon, DevStack, Ceilometer and especially the Group-Based Policy. It is to be expected an intensification of engagement from IT on OpenStack in a medium-term time horizon. IT has also provided extended consulting to companies that intend to use OpenStack for NFV, monitoring, metering and billing purposes.

Products & Services

IT provides advanced consulting, research, development and prototyping in the areas of telecommunications and computing.

For More Information

Please contact us at João Paulo Barraca <>