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Company Profile: Korea Internet Neutral eXchange (KINX)

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Korea Internet Neutral eXchange (KINX)


KINX is specialized in Internet Infrastructures.
Every service needs the Internet.
games, search engines, broadcasting, videos, shopping, entertainment etc.
Chosen by AWS, Google, Microsoft.
KINX, the only L2-based IX Provider in Korea, guarantees settlement free policy for Internet eXchange(IX).
100 different solutions for 100 customers.
We customize services for each customer rather than providing the same service for all.

Contributions To OpenStack From Korea Internet Neutral eXchange (KINX)

In 2012, KINX built Korea's first OpenStack-based IXcloud.
We also signed an MOU to strengthen our technology and hosted Miranstis' open-stack cloud training for the first time in Korea.
Since then, We have been providing the best OpenStack cloud service in Korea.
IXcloud is already experiencing more than 130 different companies.

Products & Services

Faster and more reliable Internet services provided by KINX
lead the easiest way to improve quality for customers.
KINX provides customized and specialized services by providing more options
So that customers can choose the most reasonable way for their own needs.
There is no need to wait for getting technical supports during nights/weekends/national holidays
due to KINX center operated for 24/7 by professional engineers.
Network "895G IX Network & Neutral IDC beyond limitation."
: IX(Peering), Transit, AWS Direct Connect, China Direct Connect, Servr Hosting and Co-location(IDC)
CDN "The right choice of CDN gets your online business successful."
: Web/Mobile Transmission, Video Streaming, Game/File Downloading, Cloud Storage, Global CDN, Multi-CDN
Cloud "Cloud is not all about creating virtual servers"
: Instance, Network, Vloume, Delivery, Managed Service, Cloud Consulting
Security "KINX guarantees safe Internet business with our global integrated security system"
: K-CLEAN SOS, K-CLEAN anti-DDoS, K-CLEAN GRE, Firewall, IPS/IDS, Web Application Firewall

For More Information

Please contact us at