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Company Profile: Leostream

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VDI and Desktops-as-a-Service


Leostream, a vendor-independent software company, is a driver in the evolving virtualization space and a leader in the management of end-user resources hosted in the data center. Our Connection Broker product provides a comprehensive and scalable solution for organizations to deliver and manage desktops, remote sessions, and hosted applications to end-users. 

With the Leostream DaaS solution, we revolutionized the desktop delivery model, by providing easy-to-use, risk-free, cloud-based Windows desktops. Hundreds of large enterprises in financial services, healthcare, government and other sectors rely on the Leostream Connection Broker to “make desktop virtualization work” and deliver the best end-user experience. Leostream is based in Waltham, Mass.

Contributions To OpenStack From Leostream

As a supporter of OpenStack, Leostream is actively optimizing its products for compatibility with the OpenStack API. Leostream often publishes resources for organizations looking to harness the power of the open source platform for desktop virtualization. 

To learn more, download the following resources:

eBook: "Building OpenStack VDI and DaaS - A Blueprint for Cloud Hosted Desktops"


Webinar: "How to Make OpenStack VDI and DaaS a Reality"


Products & Services

For over 10 years, Leostream has been a driver in the evolving virtualization space. The company’s flagship product, the Leostream Connection Broker, uses the OpenStack APIs to streamline desktop management. The integration allows administrators to manage their OpenStack cloud within Leostream in order to inventory and power control existing OpenStack instances, and provision new instances from existing images.

For More Information

Please contact us at Dana Tee <>