OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

Company Profile: Safespring

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Safespring is the platform of choice for European cloud computing. Safespring delivers a locally based Compute and Storge service. It enables our customers to innovate quickly, reducing time to market and removing technical constraints while increasing efficiency levels and retaining data sovereignty. With our platform, we help our customers improve competitiveness to delivery excellence. Flexible consumption model include services by hour or GB/month. All services are billed on a monthly basis based on your consumption. From our professional data centers in Sweden and Norway our delivery of infrastructure-as-a-Service include:

SAFESPRING COMPUTE: Our infrastructure services is based on the market leading cloud platform OpenStack. The service is delivered from secure data centers with high availability. Customer data never leaves Sweden or Norway where data centers are physically located within the country. The service is flexible, fully automated and based on self-service through a portal: The user can with few, simple steps start and stop new servers. It is also possible to manage and control provisioning of servers programmatically through standards-based calls to our API.

SAFESPRING STORAGE: We provides an object-storage service where we expose an S3 interface to your application. The service is optimized at large and inexpensive storage space and is well suited for applications such as reading or writing large amounts of data.

Our customer include 100+ software companies, research & education and government organisations.

Contributions To OpenStack From Safespring

Safespring is a company that values open source and openness, and we contribute to the opensource community whenever we can. That includes going to conferences and also submitting talks to conferences where we talk about what we do, we are actively participating on discussions in the openstack community, submitting bug reports and patches when relevant, and we are working with our customers teaching them to get the most out of openstack.

We are also part of the organizer group for the Openstack meetup in Oslo and Stockholm - and we hope to engage in the community in more ways in the future!

Products & Services

Safespring have two main products: Safespring Compute built with Openstack and Safespring Storage built with Ceph. Both are offered in a public cloud and a private cloud version. Openstack is therefore an important and integrated part of all our products and services. The public version of Safespring Compute is offered to customers in Norway and Sweden from datacentres in Oslo and Stockholm, and is used by public sector, educational institutions and private companies in Norway and Sweden.

For customers on our public and private clouds, we deliver high availability and great user experience, so one of our missions as a company is to be world class experts on the operational side of running Openstack in production, including monitoring, metrics and incident management.

For More Information

Please contact us at