The OpenStack Technical Committee provides technical leadership for OpenStack as a whole. Responsibilities include enforcing OpenStack ideals (such as Openness, Transparency, Commonality, Integration and Quality), deciding on issues that impact multiple programs, providing an ultimate appeals board for technical decisions and general oversight. It is a fully-elected Committee that represents the contributors to the project, and more details about membership and programs may be found in its charter.
Ghanshyam is currently serving multiple roles in OpenInfra/OpenStack Community. He is the Individual Board of Directors in OpenInfra Foundation, a Previous Chair and current member of the OpenStack Technical Committee, a Core developer in various OpenStack projects (Nova, QA and a few more), and also served as OpenStack QA project PTL. He started working in OpenStack with NEC in 2012 as a cloud support engineer, and since 2014, he has been involved in upstream development. His main upstream focus is on Nova, QA, API stability, and CI/CD. In addition, he is passionate about bringing more contributors to the Open Infra family and helping them onboard in the community via different programs like First Contact SIG, Upstream Institute Trainings, and mentorship. Before OpenStack Upstream, he worked in different domains like Avionics, Storage, Cloud, and Virtualization. Ghanshyam started his career in technology as a C++ software developer to automate the flight management system, which reduces flight operating costs and the pilot workload. He has also been a frequent speaker at various Open Source events such as OpenStack summit, Open Infra summit, Open source summit, Open Infra Days, and LinuxCon on various topics like RESTful API, QA, Cloud Backup, Open Source Community Building, Open Source Governance. In addition, he has been actively involved in various PoC and solutions designs around Cloud OSS.