OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

New: OpenInfra Foundation Edge Computing Group defines architectures, open source components, and testing activities for massively distributed systems

Created by open infrastructure operators, the second white paper delivers the specific ways open infrastructure operators are shaping the future of edge computing by collecting use cases, identifying technology requirements and contributing architectures, open source components and considerations for testing activities.

Edge Computing: Next Steps in Architecture, Design and Testing
Read the whitepaper
Cloud Edge Computing: Beyond the Data Center
Read the whitepaper

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WG Weekly Calls 

See how we advanced the future of edge computing at OpenDev 2017

Watch the opening keynotes from the new collaborative event for technical experts and operators with real world edge use cases.

OpenDev Opening Keynotes: Jonathan Bryce

Jonathan Bryce

Open Infrastructure Foundation

OpenDev Opening Keynotes: Kandan Kathirvel & Rodolfo Pacheco

Kandan Kathirvel & Rodolfo Pacheco


OpenDev Opening Keynotes: Imad Sousou

Imad Sousou


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OpenDev Opening Keynotes: Venkatesh Palani

Venkatesh Palani


OpenDev Opening Keynotes: Kandan Kathirvel & Rodolfo Pacheco

Kandan Kathirvel & Rodolfo Pacheco


Download Slides

OpenDev Opening Keynotes: Mahadev Satyanarayanan

Mahadev Satyanarayanan

Carnegie Mellon University

Download Slides

Why is OpenStack ideal for edge computing?

OpenStack provides fundamental infrastructure building blocks that can be deployed anywhere, including the edge of the network. The flexible and modular nature of OpenStack means you can efficiently run the minimal services required at the edge, yet provide robust support for bare metal, container technologies and virtual machines.

OpenStack is already the most highly distributed infrastructure software, running in thousands of datacenters around the world, and many users in the telecom and retail industries are working now to advance the edge computing use case with OpenStack.

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2017 Innovations in Edge Computing and MEC Report

87% of respondents think OpenStack will be used to manage edge infrastructure

Check out these great edge resources


Container Networking at the Edge with Kuryr

Container Networking at the Edge with Kuryr

Far Edge with VMs and Containers

Far Edge with VMs and Containers

Implementing Localization into OpenStack CLI for a Free Collaboration of Edge OpenStack Clouds

Implementing Localization into OpenStack CLI for a Free Collaboration of Edge OpenStack Clouds

5G-Oriented Distributed Cloud Solution

5G-Oriented Distributed Cloud Solution

What's behind 8K Video Streaming on Edge Cloud?

What's behind 8K Video Streaming on Edge Cloud?

Edge Resource Management Systems: From Today to Tomorrow

Edge Resource Management Systems: From Today to Tomorrow

Realization of Infrastructure and Network APIs at the Edge

Realization of Infrastructure and Network APIs at the Edge

Living on the Edge – combining OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Tungsten Fabric to make Edge Computing a reality.

Living on the Edge – combining OpenStack, Kubernetes, and Tungsten Fabric to make Edge Computing a reality.



Edge Computing: Cloud’s Next Frontier


Why OpenStack is living on the edge


Open Infrastructure Operators Rally Around Edge Computing


OpenStack: Open source community collaboration needed to overcome edge computing adoption barriers

OpenStack collaborates with other EDGE Groups

Get more involved with the

Fog Edge Massively Distributed Computing SIG

Everything you need to know about Open Infrastructure + Edge Computing

Open infrastructure operators and developers shared architectures, technology requirements and the open source components required for edge computing.