OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation
About the Board

The Board of Directors is ultimately legally responsible for the Foundation as a corporate entity. Board activities include oversight of the Foundation and its budget, strategy and goals according to the mission and responsibilities. The Board is composed of directors elected by the Individual Members (1/3), directors elected by the Gold Members (1/3) and directors appointed by the Platinum Members (1/3).

We are currently electing Individual Member and Gold Member directors. Having directors elected by the Individual Members provides an opportunity for a broad set of people in the community to participate in the Board and be represented. The Individual Member Director seats will make up 8 of the 24 seats. Individual Member Directors need to attend regular quarterly Board meetings and any special meetings that come up. The meetings will be held in a way that allows for remote participation. They should be willing to gather input and feedback from community members as it relates to Board decisions. As a true corporate board, Board members are responsible for fiduciary duties and adhering to an expanded code of conduct.

About The Individual Nominees

A Individual Member candidate must receive at least 10 nominations to appear on the ballot. The list of nominees who have received the required number of nominations can be seen on the Nomination Page. Any questions on the nominations or elections can be directed to (Jonathan Bryce is the acting Secretary).

About The Election

Gold Members will be electing their directors during the week of August 13, 2012 to August 17, 2012, and results will be announced when the election is complete.

Individual Member Director elections for the 2012 Board will be held August 20, 2012 to August 24, 2012. You must be a member of the OpenStack Foundation by August 15, 2012 to vote in the election process. To see if you are in the list of eligible voters, visit the Voter List for this election. You can join the OpenStack Foundation for free or learn more about the OpenStack Foundation Bylaws.

In accordance with the OpenStack Foundation Bylaws, Board elections will take place online using a cumulative voting method. No more than two members of the Board may be affiliated with the same company, which means the candidate receiving the next highest votes would assume the seat if the election results in too many employees from a single company. The seats for Individual Member Directors serving in 2012 will come up for election in 2013, but they may be nominated and reelected indefinitely. The next election for Individual Member Directors will take place during the first two weeks of January 2013.

If you are an eligible voter, you will receive an email with a link to complete your ballot when the elections open on August 20, 2012. As required by the Foundation Bylaws we will be publishing a voter list with contact information of the voters on the website viewable to Individual Members. This information can be used solely for the purposes allowed by Delaware corporate law, and the information in the list should be treated as confidential.