OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

2014 Board Election: Candidate List

Candidates On The Ballot

The candidates on this list have the 10 nominations required to be on the election ballot and have completed the application.



Tim Bell

Nominated by: Jonathan Bryce Mark Collier Tom Fifield Mark McLoughlin Tristan Goode Joseph George Troy Toman Russell Bryant Monty Taylor Flavio Percoco

About Tim Bell
Tim was responsible for the group at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, which manages the compute infrastructure for 13,000 physicists around the world to support fundamental research. He previously worked as a Unix kernel developer at IBM along with managing large scale Unix production deployments and services for Deutsche Bank in Europe. His team is running the CERN OpenStack cloud which has been in production since July 2013 and is currently around 300,000 cores. This cloud provides processing power to analyse the data from the Large Hadron Collider and other experiments which produce around 100PB a year. The practical experiences are shared on the blog at . Tim was an elected individual director of the OpenStack and OpenInfra management board from 2012 until 2021 and was a founding member of the OpenStack user committee from 2013-2015.
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Hui Cheng

Nominated by: Mark Collier Jianing YANG Tristan Goode Bruce LOK Jonathan Bryce David Wang Haifeng Yan Tom Fifield Shikang Xiao Jason Yang

About Hui Cheng

Hui is the CEO & Founder of UnitedStack, founded from 2012, UnitedStack has become a major open cloud player in China market. 

Hui’s dream is to build a cloud service company to help the traditional enterprise to drive the ditial transformation, as well as a respectable open source company that could be attractive for talent engineers.

Prior to starting his own business, Hui was the technical leader of the OpenStack team in Sina, where he initiated the first OpenStack based on public Iaas cloud in China, while leading his team to become the No.1 corporate contributor in China.

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Rob Hirschfeld

Nominated by: Randy Perryman Colin McNamara Mark Collier Mike Veitch Joseph George Tristan Goode Adriel Cabrera Joshua McKenty Troy Toman Jack Mac

About Rob Hirschfeld

I've been involved in OpenStack since the earliest days with a focus on ops and building the infrastructure that powers cloud and storage. 

On the board, I've lead the DefCore initative and founded the Product Working Group.  I also work to help screen and coach new Gold Members.  I am a strong advocate for operators and interoperability.

I believe that the OpenStack community is service by having a clearly defined core.  I feel that we need to do a better job defining and building an ecosystem around the project.

I maintain an open balanced perspective and respect other people's points of view.

You can read more about my thoughts and positions regarding OpenStack and Cloud on my blog:

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Kyle Mestery

Nominated by: Mark Collier Colin McNamara Shannon McFarland Lance Haig Jeff Pazahanick Troy Toman Henry Gessau Madhura Maskasky Anthony Chow Ed Horley

About Kyle Mestery

Kyle is a Distinguished Engineer and Director of Open Source Networking at IBM. He leads a team focused on Open Source networking at scale. Kyle is also a member of the OpenStack Technical Committee, and the former PTL of OpenStack Neutron for the Juno, Kilo, and Liberty cycles. Kyle lives with his wife and kids in Minnesota.

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Mark McLoughlin

Nominated by: Matt Wagner Troy Toman Tristan Goode Russell Bryant Tim Bell Julie Pichon Jonathan Bryce Mark Collier Sean Dague Joe Gordon

About Mark McLoughlin

Mark McLoughlin has spent over 15 years contributing to and leading open source projects such as GNOME, Fedora, KVM, qemu, libvirt, oVirt, and OpenStack.

Mark is Senior Director of Engineering for OpenStack at Red Hat, and has lead Red Hat’s OpenStack efforts since 2011. As an OpenStack contributor, he created the Oslo project, contributed heavily to Nova, and was elected both to the OpenStack Technical Committee and the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors.

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Monty Taylor

Nominated by: Mark Atwood Troy Toman Mark McLoughlin Jack Mac Russell Bryant Tim Bell Gabe Westmaas Flavio Percoco Sean Kerner Joe Gordon

About Monty Taylor

Monty is the founder, core member and past PTL of the OpenStack Infra team which runs CI and developer tooling for OpenStack. He's a founding admin of OpenDev and Zuul. He's a past member of the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors, a Python Fellow and past member the OpenStack Technical Committee. Monty is past PTL of the openstacksdk project and is the past maintainer of the Ansible modules for consuming OpenStack. Before his OpenStack days he was a core developer on Drizzle and was a Senior Consultant for MySQL, Inc.

Monty has a degree in Theatre Directing and went to grad school at CalArts in lighting design. The intersection of fields has led him to start more than one business around developing technology for and related to live performance. Recently Monty served as an Adjunct Professor at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts teaching a class on programming related to lighting design. If you let him, he'll talk to you WAY too much about Scuba Diving.

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Joseph George

Nominated by: Mike Veitch Adriel Cabrera Nick Barcet Brent Doncaster Paul Webster Jack Sanghera Scott Depta Seth Fox Herve Gory Paul Czarkowski

About Joseph George

I've been a part of the OpenStack movement since the very beginning - back in 2010, starting at the Omni Hotel event in Austin, Texas.  And I've been honored to have served on the OpenStack Board of Directors in 2013. 

Over the years, I have been a part of excellent teams driving OpenStack at great companies like

- Dell, where I served as the Director of Product Management / Marketing, and we launched the market's first OpenStack solution in 2011

- HP / HP Enterprise, where I served as the Exec Director of Big Data and Storage Solutions, including dense storage servers great for Swift and Ceph

- SUSE, where I served as the VP of Solutions, driving both OpenStack and Ceph-based solutions.

If you get to know me, you'll find that I am extremely passionate about bringing OpenStack to the masses (check out my blog on the topic -  I've worked hard for over 20 years to bring emerging tech solutions to end users in order to help them solve challenges in their IT and application teams, and have been fortunate to work to that end as an engineer, as a strategist, and as an executive. 

I love talking tech, where tech is headed, and how we get it into as many people's hands as possible, so let's be sure to connect on Twitter (@jbgeorge).

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Colin McNamara

Nominated by: Tristan Goode Jesse Proudman Steve Rogers Mark Collier Sajid Akhtar Shannon McFarland Cody Bunch Tyler Britten Nermina Miller

About Colin McNamara

My name is Colin McNamara. I work  as the Chief Cloud Architect for a Nexus IS, a systems integrator based in Silicon Valley I manage our Cloud and SDN development teams, as well as Open Source contributions from an engineering organization of more then 300 engineers.

I have been been involved with Open Source since 1998 when I switched all of my web servers at my former ISP to Linux. Since then I have been involved with, evengelized and/or contributed to many open source projects including Netsaint/Nagios, Cacti, Ubuntu, Golden Cheetah and more.

It is my belief that Open Source platforms, and the people that create / use them have been the fuel that the fire os Silicon Valley is based on. Support and growth of these people and platforms are key to the future of the Valley, the products we create, and the people that create them.

Much of the discussion is about what  I can do and want to do for OpenStack. But it is important to consider what I have been doing. Over the past year or so I have been doing the following -

Right now I am an OpenStack Ambassador, as wel as an active member of the community. I wish to contribute more. I believe that Open Software and Standards are key to our technology industry being successful in the long run. The success of OpenStack and the OpenStack Foundation is key to making that happen.

I am doing what I can as an individual member of the foundation, as well as a leader in my own business to make this happen.

My thoughts on this and many other things can be found at

I can be found on twitter at @colinmcnamara

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Troy Toman

Nominated by: Mark Collier Mark McLoughlin Rhett Dillingham Gabe Westmaas Russell Bryant Josh Kearney Monty Taylor Tim Bell Sean Kerner Christina Weaver

About Troy Toman

I am currently part of the public cloud team at Rackspace.  I lead Rackspace's OpenStack strategy and work with teams on our overall open source efforts. Prior to this role, I led the engineering teams responsible for the Rackspace Public Cloud services including those deploying and contributing to OpenStack Nova, Swift, Cinder, Glance and Neutron. I have been at Rackspace since 2006 and served in a number of development and operations functions across the company. I am also a member of the advisory council of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University.

I have a bachelor's degree in computer science from Texas A&M. My first role was at IBM as a staff engineer. After eight years of holding multiple development and managerial positions at IBM, I moved on to senior leadership roles at Sun Microsystems, Inktomi Corporation, Kazeon and Veritas Software. 
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Jaesuk Ahn

Nominated by: Tom Fifield Sungjin Kang FunFun Yoo Nalee Jang yongjoon kong Stephen Spector Kenneth Pepple Randy Bias Seth Fox Stephen Ahn

About Jaesuk Ahn

Jaesuk Ahn have received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from University of Texas at Austin, in 2004 and 2009, respectively, all in Software Engineering. Upon the graduation, he joined Korea Telecom from Sept. 2009, where he started to work on Open Source Cloud Technologies, especially on OpenStack Project. he had led a development team to architect, develop, and deploy opoenstack-based cloud platform for KT's internal private cloud till 2014. He joined a venture company called cloud4u at 2014 working at developing cloud tool chain to design, orechestrate, provision, monitor systems on cloud environment. He also worked as a main architect to develop open paas platform for the government. He is currently working at SK Telecom on the research project related to Software Defined Data Center as well as production openstack deployment and operation. Especially, he is currently working on putting OpenStack on Kubernetes leveraging Kolla and OpenStack-Helm Project.  

He has also been involved in openstack community from early stage. he founded OpenStack Korea User group at 2011, since then, he has been doing various activities to promote OpenStack in Korea. In addition, He has been working as one of main organizers of OpenStack Day in Korea event since 2014. 

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Doug Hellmann

Nominated by: Mark McLoughlin Nick Barcet Simon Anderson Rosario Di Somma Vincenzo Di Somma Sean Dague Thierry Carrez Justin Lund Jeremy Stanley Justin Knierim

About Doug Hellmann

Doug Hellmann is employed by Red Hat to work on OpenStack. He is currently serving on the Release Management and Oslo teams and is a member of the Technical Committee.

He started contributing to OpenStack in 2012, just before the Folsom summit. He is one of the founding members of the Ceilometer project, and a core reviewer for the requirements and unified command line interface projects. Doug served as PTL for the release management team for the Mitaka, Newton, and Ocata release cycles. He is part of the team working on the Python 3 transition, and has contributed to several of the infrastructure projects. He also contributes to the unified command line client and SDK projects. Doug served as the PTL for the Oslo project for the Icehouse, Juno, and Kilo releases and is still active on the core review team.


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Nick Barcet

Nominated by: Joseph George Jack Mac David Cahill John Griffith Rob Hirschfeld Bruno Seznec Gary Butler Yujie Du Emmet Hikory Alexis Monville

About Nick Barcet

Nick has joined eNovance, an OpenStack Foundation Gold member, in december 2012 as VP of Products. He was elected by the college of Gold members members to represent them on Board of Directors in 2013.

Nick founded the Ceilometer project at the Folsom summit in April 2012 to handle centralized metering on OpenStack, and has been project leading it for its first year and until it was integrated by OpenStack's technical comitee.  To see more about his thoughts and involvement: 

- Blog in Wired with wishes for OpenStack in 2014:

- "A view from the Board" slides:

Nick has been involved in Open Source since 2000 working with Novell, Intel and Canonical in various technical and product management roles.

Nick is a french citizen residing in Paris, France and is 45 years old.

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Yujie Du

Nominated by: Jack Mac shake chen Haifeng Yan Tom Fifield Nick Barcet Jonathan Bryce Kiran Murari Rohan Kanade Ray Nugent Mark Collier

About Yujie Du

Ben is a long-time open source and community activist, OpenStack evangelist in China. He is co-founder of COSUG(China OpenStack User Group). He continuously evangelizes the OpenStack community through his weibo, speaking at conferences, and business development activities to attract new member companies and contributors.

Yujie is the key organizer for the largest OpenStack test platform in China. And now it growns to be a big alliance, where users, companies, and developers in the value chain all contributed to the community. In addition, has invited industry leaders from China and around the world to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, know how, and business opportunities.

Follow him on Twitter: @ben_duyujie or Weibo:@ben_杜玉杰 and learn more on

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Kenneth Pepple

Nominated by: Jack Mac John Stanford Seth Fox David Cahill John Griffith Robert Cathey Brad Vaughan Azmir Mohamed Jaesuk Ahn Francesco Paola

About Kenneth Pepple

Ken was Director of Cloud Development at Internap Network Services. Under his leadership, Internap developed and introduced a portfolio of public cloud services, including the world’s first public compute service based on OpenStack. 

In addition to Ken’s project work, he has also authored or co-authored several books. His latest is “Deploying OpenStack” (O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2013). Ken also maintains a blog at

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Joe Arnold

Nominated by: Jack Mac Gary Butler John Griffith David Cahill John Dickinson paul luse Nick Barcet Jaesuk Ahn Seth Fox Yujie Du

About Joe Arnold

Since the Austin Summit, I have been heavily involved building the OpenStack user base though successful production deployments, meetups, design summits and conferences. I am a founder of SwiftStack, a company dedicated to the development of OpenStack Object Storage.

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Vishvananda Ishaya

Nominated by: Tom Fifield Chet Burgess Jasdeep Hundal Ronald Pagani, Jr. Joseph Heck Morgan Fainberg Russell Bryant Tara Turk

About Vishvananda Ishaya

Vish Ishaya is the Chief Technology Officer at Nebula, Inc. Prior to joining Nebula, he was a Principal Engineer with Rackspace Cloud Builders. He was also a Senior Systems Engineer with Anso Labs and NASA Nebula Technical Lead during the creation of Nova, one of the founding OpenStack projects.

He is a highly prolific developer who has been one of the top contributors to OpenStack. He has been a member of the OpenStack Technical Committee since its inception, and was recently elected to the OpenStack Board, which along with other prominent community members helps guide the vision of the OpenStack project.

Vish was elected to four consecutive terms as the OpenStack Compute Project Technical Lead. In addition to his excellent programming and systems skills, Vish has spent over a decade teaching, most recently classes in object oriented analysis and design.

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John Griffith

Nominated by: Jack Mac Jonathan Bryce David Cahill Mark Collier Ben Cherian Sean Cohen Nick Barcet Ricardo Antuna Ken NAKAGAMA

About John Griffith

John Griffith, Principal Software Engineer at SolidFire now a part of NetApp, helped to create the Cinder project in OpenStack.  His primary responsibilities over the last several years have been as a technical contributor to OpenStack.  He served as Technical Lead for the Block Storage Project since it's beginning through the Juno release, and has also held elected seats on the OpenStack Technical Committee over the years.

John has over fifteen years of engineering experience in both hardware and software engineering.  He’s been an active user and contributor to open source for close to a decade, and has been involved in OpenStack since January of 2011, currently an active contributor to OpenStack as well as Container projects.

In addition to his technical contributions, John also spends a lot of his time talking to people who are interested in learning about OpenStack and Containers as well as gathering feedback from current users.

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Kyle MacDonald

Nominated by: Chad Arimura Evan Shaw Ray Nugent Brian Jawalka Gary Butler Shari Mahrdt Bradford Stephens Jaesuk Ahn Kevin Huang Yujie Du

About Kyle MacDonald

I have worked and supported OpenStack for almost 4 years (being at the original design summit in Austin) across a number of different companies and organizations including / Nibula and Canonical. In my last role as Vice President of Cloud at Ubuntu / Canonical I focused exclusively on helping Carriers & Telco's grow implemetations on OpenStack from POC to Production Implementations. I now spend my time helping companies join, engage and grow in the OpenStack ecosystem.


Prior to my roles in Canonical I spent time as a VP & Chief Evangelist for, Director of the Cloud/Web2.0 & Next Generation Service Provider group at Sun Microsystems and in the Office of the CTO at AMD.


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Mark McLaughlin

Nominated by: Joseph George Dan Hushon Xing Yang Edgar StPierre Michael Werner Michael Waite Gabe Westmaas Yoram Heller Bhuvan Arumugam Jay Cuthrell

About Mark McLaughlin

I work in the EMC Office of the CTO. I am active in coordinating our day-to-day support of all OpenStack related activities, as well as program managing many of our strategic and innovative cross-functional programs.

I am a 20-year veteran of EMC, and have held many roles, including Product Management, Product Marketing, and Corporate IT. One of my most recent roles was that of Sr. Director of Business Development for Emerging Partners. This role exposed me to many companies in the OpenStack ecosystem, and allowed me to fully appreciate the complicated business environment related to OpenStack. I am excited by the intersection of open source, cloud computing, and emerging partners all while striving to leverage the install base and impact of the top enterprise IT vendors.

My educational background includes a BS in Engineering Physics from Miami University, and an MBA from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.

My "platform" that I plan to make a priority is how can the Foundation do a better job fostering an environment where enterprise vendors feel more comfortable that their differentiated value-add will not be eliminated by participating in OpenStack.  There is a massive amount of innovation opportunity if we can establish such an environment.




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David Wang

Nominated by: Mark Collier shake chen Jiwei Liu york deng Rob Hirschfeld jeff xie jing fan Haoxin Zhou Tom Caulfield Hui Cheng

About David Wang

As ICT industry veterans in China David quickly embraced Openstack after his meeting with Jim Curry in Rackspace back in June, 2011 and took the mission to co-found China Openstack User Group community and to setup the first Openstack summit in Shanghai later the year.

David has also operated the Community website since July 2011 which has about 5,200 registered members today. David also maintain the largest mailing list in China for Openstack Chinese users which attracted over 1,000 members from mainland China as well as Chinese from Hong Kong, Taiwan etc.. ( ).David have been  in touch with Chinese Openstack users daily through 4  most popular online chat QQ groups in China with a total participation of more than 2,500 members which David setup and hosted since 2011.

David is also the CEO of Intelligent Cloud Technology, a Chinese company, which provides cost effective cloud appliance with Openstack and Opencompute technology and developed inter-cloud management tools in China. David graduated from the Huazhong University of Science & Technology in China and obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota. He did his earlier teaching and research at the Rockefeller University and NYU for many years before he started his own ICT business in China.

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Benjamin H. Graham (bman)

Nominated by: Benjamin H. Graham (bman) Sisirkumar K Wiley Bennett Tabitha Edwards Erik Adelson Dustin Miller Garrett Eastham Courtney Dibrell Morgan Dibrell Christi Lang

About Benjamin H. Graham (bman)
With a career spanning 20 years, Benjamin has deep experience building, managing, and designing Internet services. Has has architected and managed solutions for Linux systems administration, automation, VOIP, software development, network engineering, software testing and quality assurance at Acxiom, Google, TD Ameritrade and Rackspace. He began his career developing for and promoting Linux in 1994, and created one of a handful of early businesses using Linux professionally. He went on to found 3 Internet start-ups.
At Compare Metrics/Edgecase, Benjamin served as VP of Technical Operations and was responsible for Architecture, QA, Deployments and Monitoring to ensure reliability, scale and redundancy across the company. In addition, Benjamin served as the Chief Cultural Officer to promote and expand on company culture.
Benjamin is passionate about Free and Open Source software and is an Invited Expert to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), guiding future Internet standards in the social networking realm.
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Kavit Munshi

Nominated by: Sina Sadeghi Sajid Akhtar ritesh nanda Himanshu Dwivedi Mohit Sethi Syed Armani rakshith hp Satya Routray Romil Gupta

About Kavit Munshi
Kavit is the CTO of Aptira, heads Aptira's Indian operations and has 15 years of experience in designing and deploying Enterprise and Telco solutions.   He is also the founder of the Indian OpenStack User Group and the OpenStack Ambassador for the region. Kavit is also an Individual Director member of the OpenStack Board of Directors.   Kavit has been a driving force behind the Indian OpenStack community and has interwoven  this into Aptira's deep involvement with OpenStack. He has helped organise numerous OpenStack events in India and loves to work with students driving their involvement with OpenStack. As an active OpenStack Ambassador his priorities are to help the OpenStack Community grow in South Asia by increasing the engagement of the burgeoning OpenSource community in academia with the OpenStack project. Kavit also realises the importance of startups to innovation and always looks to promote OpenStack in that space. Kavit has a vision for India as a Centre of Innovation to develop and commercialise intellectual property rather than an offshoring destination. Kavit has been mentoring students and young entrepreneurs to that end.
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Andrew Clay Shafer

Nominated by: Sina Sadeghi Tristan Goode Paul Czarkowski Michael Ducy Lorin Hochstein Joshua McKenty Pete Cheslock George Reese Eric Windisch Jesse Proudman

About Andrew Clay Shafer

I was born. I tried. Things happened.


I wrote a few things I believe about OpenStack.


I wrote a few more things about campaigning for the OpenStack board.


I'm here to help if you want me to.

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Andy (termie) Smith

Nominated by: Sina Sadeghi Tristan Goode Joshua McKenty David Lenwell Christopher MacGown Jesse Proudman Pete Cheslock Troy Toman Nathanael Burton Forrest Carpenter

About Andy (termie) Smith

Hi, I'm Termie, you may remember me from the early days of Nova (now Nova, Cinder, Neutron...), OpenStack-Dashboard (now Horizon), Keystone-Lite (now Keystone). I'm one of the guys who helped start this Openstack thing. 

I'm a programmer with a bunch of experience in a bunch of areas. I am well-respected for my opinions on most things technical, though sometimes you may get tired of hearing them. I am generally outspoken.

I've had a string of successes based on my work (and obviously the work of others), of which OpenStack is the latest, and I want to see it through to ever more greatness.

I am a radical stickler for code quality, I've introduced code review to many teams and projects, driven test framework usage and development, and I believe a clean and well-organized codebase is a prerequisite for longevity of a project.

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Jarrod Wageman

Nominated by: mike worlund Pablo Beltran Ivar Lazzaro Jon Beck Pierluigi Rolando Usha Kodali Marco Chirico Sid Bunga Paul Dul Arthur Chang

About Jarrod Wageman

With more than 10 years of experience in virtualization, systems administration and data engineering Jarrod has worked in some of the largest and busiest environments in the world. At Embrane his primary role is guiding the development, implementation and testing of the heleos Openstack Neutron plugin. He has overseen the deployment of more than 15 large scale Openstack deployments going as far back as the Cactus release. His passion for open source is only trumped by his passion for life and when he is not building Openstack environments, he enjoys powerlifting, sailing and living.

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Pete Chadwick

Nominated by: Pete Chadwick Frank Rego Phillip Cockrell Patrick Quairoli Todd Finch Joe Gerkman Bryan Gartner Nathan Barney Andreas Jaeger

About Pete Chadwick

Pete Chadwick is Director of Product Management, Cloud and Systems Management for SUSE. Chadwick has more than 20 years of experience at global technology organizations such as IBM, US Robotics, 3Com and Novell. At SUSE, his responsibilities include comprehensive market and business analysis required to deliver go-to-market strategies for one of SUSE’s priority business areas – cloud. Chadwick is responsible for bringing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server to Amazon EC2. Most recently he championed the company’s work with and significant contributions to OpenStack, an open source cloud computing project. Chadwick is a member of the OpenStack Product Working Group and has presented on OpenStack at many industry events including Gartner Data Center, LinuxCon, CloudOpen, Brainshare, SUSEcon, Open Source Business Conference and Cloud Computing Expo. He is a published author including the 2012 Forbes article “Why Cloud Computing Needs To – And Will – Go Open Source”.

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Alex Freedland

Nominated by: Joe Gordon Monty Taylor Boris Renski Randy Bias Dan Wendlandt Georgy Okrokvertskhov Boris Pavlovic Simon Anderson Yujie Du Eugene Nikanorov

About Alex Freedland

Alex Freedland is the co-founder and CEO of Mirantis, the largest independent company focusing on delivering pure-play OpenStack to the customers worldwide.

Under Alex's leadership, Mirantis has become the contributor to OpenStack and is the only private company amongst Top-10 contributors.

Mirantis is also laser-focused on making customers (large and small) adopt OpenStack at scale. With that in mind, we have also pioneered such projects as Fuel (the point and click installer), Rally (a popular framework for scalability testing of OpenStack), Sahara (the orchstrator for Hadoop distributions running on top of OpenStack),  Murano (an intuitive way to automate workload orchestration on top of OpenStack and the project behind the Foundation Application Catalog) and Stackalytics.  

Prior to starting Mirantis, Alex have co-founded several other businesses, some of which are operating today and some have successfully exited. 

Alex was born in Moscow, Russia, and currently resides in the SF Bay Area.
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Sathish Kumar Ramadas

Nominated by: Sathish Kumar Ramadas Vasudev Narayanan Murali Eswaran Vikram Narayanan Julie Sangeetha kavin V Johan Sebastain Rajesh Narayanan Senthil kumar Abdul Mohamed Khalif

About Sathish Kumar Ramadas

I have been contributing to IT industry for past 13 years. One of the components of virtuous circle of Business lifecycle is Learning & Development, which I research and contribute. As a CEO, I carry the vision to be the preferred Learning partner for Enterprises, Academia, and for Individuals. My organization focuses in elevating knowledge of an individual, thereby increasing the net worth of the organization.

As a Technical evangelist and advisor to my Clients, I help them build their roadmap for Learning & Development strategies. Building Skills and promoting various technologies within and external to the organization helps many understand the employment trend.

I plan to be committed in promoting OpenStack by providing consistent Education delivery, thereby increasing brand awareness, validate proficiency and mastering the technology. The result will be increased employability.



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Alex Aizman

Nominated by: Michael Letschin Jim Fitzgerald Robert Novak Kris Tsao Mikhail Khodos Victor Rodionov Alex Deiter Anton Fischer Derek Glover Anton Skriptsov

About Alex Aizman

CTO & Founder, Nexenta Systems. I'm running both Cinder and Swift projects at Nexenta. On the object storage side, we're implementing and keep supporting the latest Swift on top of ZFS local filesystem. Also, gradually but surely moving forward a number of inventions that will make it more effective, as far as performance and deduplication (search for CCOW and Replicast).

On legacy file and block storage side, we'd first implemented the entire; second, at the latest Hong Kong OpenStack 2013 summit suggested (backup/replication) CRESS improvements - codename that stands for Cinder Replication Extensions for Stateless Snapshots. The idea is to implement CRESS first as an Nexenta extension, and then work with the community to propagate it into core API.

For more details, see my linkedin and pages..

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Michael Letschin

Nominated by: Michael Letschin Jim Fitzgerald Alex Aizman Robert Novak Kris Tsao Julie Herd bridget warwick Darren Bury Ken Huynh hanxi chen

About Michael Letschin

Michael has over 15 years of experience in the IT industry, ranging from Systems Engineer through IT director.  Most recently a Sales Engineer and now Product Marketing/Management Manager for Nexenta Systems.  He holds an MBA from Mt. St Mary's University and technical certifications from multiple storage and virtualization vendors.  His work on his blog(, on social media (@mletschin) and in the IT community as a whole have resulted in numerous accolades.

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