OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

2018 Board Election: Candidate List

Candidates On The Ballot

The candidates on this list have the 10 nominations required to be on the election ballot and have completed the application.



Tim Bell

Nominated by: Jonathan Bryce Christopher Hale Isiaka Mosudi Elliot Nichols John Devereaux Robin Dekens Brian Munke Stephan Fabel erick jiang Mahesh Balumuri

About Tim Bell
Tim was responsible for the group at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, which manages the compute infrastructure for 13,000 physicists around the world to support fundamental research. He previously worked as a Unix kernel developer at IBM along with managing large scale Unix production deployments and services for Deutsche Bank in Europe. His team is running the CERN OpenStack cloud which has been in production since July 2013 and is currently around 300,000 cores. This cloud provides processing power to analyse the data from the Large Hadron Collider and other experiments which produce around 100PB a year. The practical experiences are shared on the blog at . Tim was an elected individual director of the OpenStack and OpenInfra management board from 2012 until 2021 and was a founding member of the OpenStack user committee from 2013-2015.
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Steven Dake

Nominated by: Davanum Srinivas Jeremy Stanley Naveen Nayak Venkat Mangudi Magnus Lööf Sanjay Upadhyay Donna De La Haye Kevin Fox Richard Fontana Monty Taylor

About Steven Dake

Steve has been involved in open source for the entirety of his career. Steve served as an elected member of the board of directions of the OpenStack foundation, invented OpenStack Kolla, invented OpenStack Heat, designed and co-led OpenStack Magnum, invented the Corosync cluster engine, and served as a working group leader within the Istio community.

Steve is now leading the next generation of machine learning tools developed in Rust. He is the creator of the XertAI community and co-inventor of SDAC, or Software Defined Accelerated Compute, project.

Steve is into hi-fidelity analog and digital audio, and his younger self spent every weekend hiking with his wife, daughter, and son while living in beautiful Flagstaff, Arizona.

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Melvin Hillsman

Nominated by: Tim Bell Sean McGinnis Chris Dent ChangBo Guo Joshua White Saverio Proto Steven Dake Edgar Magana Allison Randal Krish Raghuram

About Melvin Hillsman

Melvin Hillsman is a Senior SRE at Red Hat working on the Operator Enablement team. Prior to joining Red Hat he worked closely with members of the Kubernetes, OpenStack, CNCF, CloudFoundry, and OPNFV communities for integration and validation of cloud ecosystem tooling and support of hybrid and multi-cloud validation. As a member of the Operator Enablement team Melvin assists ISVs, Red Hat internal teams, and open source communities with developing, certifying, and maintaining operators.

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Rob Hirschfeld

Nominated by: Mike Veitch Egle Sigler Rob Hirschfeld Bikalpa Timilsina Kenneth Hui Prakash Ramchandran Jim Meyer Willard Dennis Shane Wang Jun Choi

About Rob Hirschfeld

I've been involved in OpenStack since the earliest days with a focus on ops and building the infrastructure that powers cloud and storage. 

On the board, I've lead the DefCore initative and founded the Product Working Group.  I also work to help screen and coach new Gold Members.  I am a strong advocate for operators and interoperability.

I believe that the OpenStack community is service by having a clearly defined core.  I feel that we need to do a better job defining and building an ecosystem around the project.

I maintain an open balanced perspective and respect other people's points of view.

You can read more about my thoughts and positions regarding OpenStack and Cloud on my blog:

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Allison Randal

Nominated by: Tim Bell Richard Fontana Monty Taylor Egle Sigler Thierry Carrez Steven Dake Prakash Ramchandran Shane Wang ChangBo Guo Jonathan Bryce

About Allison Randal

Allison is an open source software/hardware developer and strategist. She is a board member of the Open Infrastructure Foundation, chair of the board at the Software Freedom Conservancy, a board member of LLVM Foundation, and co-founder of the FLOSS Foundations group for open source leaders. She previously served as chair of the board at the Open Infrastructure Foundation, president of the Open Source Initiative, president and board member of the Perl Foundation, board member at the Python Software Foundation, chief architect of the Parrot virtual machine, chair of the board at the Parrot Foundation, Conference Chair of OSCON, Technical Architect of Ubuntu, Open Source Advisor at Canonical, Distinguished Technologist and Open Source Strategist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and Distinguished Engineer at SUSE. She participates in the Debian and RISC-V projects, and has a PhD in hardware security from the University of Cambridge.

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Egle Sigler

Nominated by: Tim Bell Paul Sims Charles Farquhar Monty Taylor Giuseppe Paterno' Steven Dake Mark Collier Nataraju Kothuru Shane Wang Sebastian Posner

About Egle Sigler

Egle wants OpenStack to be regarded as one of the most successful open source projects, with a great community to back it. During the past year, Egle has been co-chair of Interop WG (DefCore committee), where she has seen that the impact interop has on OpenStack is crucial. Interoperability is one of the top OpenStack priorities, and she  continues leading the efforts to increase it.

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Giuseppe Paterno'

Nominated by: Achim Dreyer Egle Sigler Saverio Proto Nataraju Kothuru Vincenzo Di Somma Rosario Di Somma Shane Wang Anton Aksola Simone Zanotti

About Giuseppe Paterno'

It's hard to define myself, I would say that I'm a consultant. I came from the field and from the early stages of Linux, even if I contributed to many opensource projects.

I now work for SUSE as EMEA Principal Architect, also cooperating with the CTO office.

HP rates me among the global top 30 OpenStack consultant and even mentioned in Forrester Research OpenStack whitepaper “OpenStack is ready, are you?". I’ve been working in the past as an IT Architect and Security Expert for Canonical/Ubuntu, RedHat, Sun Microsystems and IBM and  named Visiting Researcher at the University of Dublin Trinity College ad-honorem.

As I’ve spent my last 22+ years in OpenSource, I had the privilege of working with the best people in the industry. This is the reason why I’ve got great relationships with HP, RedHat, SUSE, Ubuntu, Dell, Intel, Fortinet and many many others. I wrote many whitepapers and books and my latest one “OpenStack explained” helped collecting funds to help the population in Nepal after the earthquake.

I’ve been working in super-exciting field projects: creating the standard for J2ME Over-The-Air (OTA) provisioning along with Vodafone, the study of architecture and standards for the delivery of MHP applications for the digital terrestrial television (DTT) on behalf of DTT Lab and implementation of HLR for Vodafone landline services. Not mentioning the most cited OpenStack installations in telco and finance.

My aim is to bring in connection the board of director with the real world of enterprises, service providers, outsourcers and system integrators.

On my private I’m still a geek enjoying testing and being part of the OpenSource world. I’d like to transmit data in any mean, that’s why I’m a radioamateur. I’m also a chef with passion of baking and a leisure pilot on the weekends :-)

My website is and @gpaterno on Twitter

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Prakash Ramchandran

Nominated by: Shashi Bhushan Ramasamy Panchavarnam Nataraju Kothuru Ulrich Kleber Bin Hu Shane Wang Ulas Kozat Joseph Wang Prem Sankar Gopannan Satya Kada

About Prakash Ramchandran

Prakash has 35+ years of Telco/ICT experience with MSEE from IIT Bombay. He is a current Board of Director for Openstack 2019/2018 (Foucucs on Airship/Medhavi/India OSUG), Sr member IEEE (CS/ComSoc,VTA),IEEE SCW SC Vice Chair 2018, NFIC-2018 Chair, and has been a veteran consultant on NFV/CNTT, MANO, VIM, Virtualization, Conatainerization, Microservices, 5G Core/Edge/Access, Network Slicing and Vertical Industry solutions. The companies he has served for include Micronic Devices, IDM, Microdata Consultants, Intelligent System, Tandem, WinVision, AT&T Mobility,,, AT&T Labs, Futurewei/Huawei Technologies and currently at Dell. He was also part of Valley start-ups and other IT /Internet Data Center ventures in late 90's and early 2000. He brought to table the experience building Platform PoCs using OpenStack ecosystems. He has been a regular attendee of OpenStack, OPNFV, 3GPP NFV/MEC,IEEE forums over the last several years in the Bay Area as well as globally in US, China & India.

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Sajid Akhtar

Nominated by: Vaidyanath Manogaran Kavit Munshi Alok Kumar BalaGopalaKrishna Ramanadam Tristan Goode Himanshu Dwivedi Sayali Lunkad Sanjay Upadhyay Ritesh Sarraf vibhor sharma

About Sajid Akhtar

I’m an OpenStack Ambassador & experienced professional in Strategic Consulting, Evangelism, Cloud Computing (IaaS, PaaS ) strong in Infrastructure space, OpenSource, Pre-Sales, Business Development and Datacenter Consolidation. I've strong record of innovation, thought leadership and publishing white papers.


Worked closely with Product Management as well as Product and Solutions Engineering on the company's current and future strategies related to OpenStack. Driving Cloud competency, alliance, leading multiple Pubic Cloud initiatives and driving customer engagements for solution architectures, use case definition, PoC, Cloud strategy, GTM & solutions, and rollout. Also, providing technology consultancy to various external and internal teams and CTOs, CIOs, and other executive leadership teams.

Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Silicon Institute of Technology. I’m very passionate about Open source cloud technologies ,involved in hosting OpenStack India meet ups across India and regular speaker at various technical conferences about happenings in the Openstack world. My hobbies includes Terrace barbeque, travelling ,skating & community engagement through Pod-Cast and coffee brewing - roasting activities.

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Christophe Sauthier

Nominated by: Julien Senon Arinze Izukanne Thierry Carrez Bhujay Kumar Bhatta Cristiano Bellucci Julien Danjou Shane Wang Chris Dent Luis Ramirez Viejo

About Christophe Sauthier

My Name is Christophe Sauthier, a french guy living in the nice city of Toulouse. Living with my wife and father of 2 beautiful small guys (of course).

I think that OpenStack shouldn't only focussed on big companies / deployments / projects but also take into considerations smaller one... I'd like to be that voice.

I am CEO of a small french service company that I have funded almost 10 years ago : Objectif Libre. We only deals with Open Source Infrastructure (OpenStack/Docker/K8s/...). I have been really involved in the Ubuntu community then my life I crossed OpenStack. I am in the OpenStack community since almost day-1.

I also was the PTL (and co-father) for Cloudkitty, the rating component of OpenStack which I think is the thing I am the most proud of : being able to create a project from  an idea, and get it adopted by many clouds around the world. All that in the respect of the OpenStack standards. I gave many talks related to Cloudkitty and OpenStack to various events.


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Monty Taylor

Nominated by: Russell Bryant Steven Dake Emilien Macchi Egle Sigler Doug Hellmann Mark Collier Flavio Percoco Shane Wang Thierry Carrez Richard Fontana

About Monty Taylor

Monty is the founder, core member and past PTL of the OpenStack Infra team which runs CI and developer tooling for OpenStack. He's a founding admin of OpenDev and Zuul. He's a past member of the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors, a Python Fellow and past member the OpenStack Technical Committee. Monty is past PTL of the openstacksdk project and is the past maintainer of the Ansible modules for consuming OpenStack. Before his OpenStack days he was a core developer on Drizzle and was a Senior Consultant for MySQL, Inc.

Monty has a degree in Theatre Directing and went to grad school at CalArts in lighting design. The intersection of fields has led him to start more than one business around developing technology for and related to live performance. Recently Monty served as an Adjunct Professor at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts teaching a class on programming related to lighting design. If you let him, he'll talk to you WAY too much about Scuba Diving.

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Shane Wang

Nominated by: Yih Leong Sun Egle Sigler Udo Seidel Travis Broughton Prakash Ramchandran Trinath Somanchi Jun Feng yongsheng gong ChangBo Guo Jonathan Bryce

About Shane Wang

Shane Wang is an Engineering Director of Cloud Software at Intel's System Software Products. He has participated in or led his team on research and development of open source software projects such as Xen, tboot, Yocto and OpenStack. He has been serving as an Individual Director of OpenStack Foundation Board since 2015, with years of commitment to community development and building. Currently he is focusing on software-defined networking (SDN) and software-defined storage (SDS) technologies, edge computing, and NFV-related domains, including OpenStack, Ceph, SODA (also known as OpenSDS), ONAP, Akraino, StarlingX, OpenDaylight, OPNFV, DPDK, and so forth. He is interested in edge computing much so he is engaged in other open source solutions such as EdgeX, CORD, OpenEdge, KubeEdge, and ioFog. Right now he is also chairing the APAC session of OSF Edge Computing Working Group.

He got his PhD degree on Computer Science from Fudan University at Shanghai in 2004, and joined Intel after graduating from the school.

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Yong Sheng Gong

Nominated by: Jun Feng Jeffrey Zhang shake chen Shane Wang ChangBo Guo Eduardo Gonzalez Gutierrez Marcin Juszkiewicz Michał Jastrzębski Phuoc Hoang Cong Jonathan Bryce

About Yong Sheng Gong

Open source is a great way to promote oneself and providing businesses with many opportunities.  Recognizing this, after graduating from East China Normal university with a computer science degree, I got my first job in Lenovo group to do R&D on Linux, where I distributed a Linux OS. Before I joined OpenStack community, I had also worked on apache Java & J2EE projects. Come to OpenStack, attracted by its four Open principles, I am involved lots into many OpenStack Projects. In 2012, I started to work on Neutron project, and become a CORE reviewer, and I deployed first OpenStack public cloud service with full support Neutron models. And now I am working with Tacker project team as its PTL.

OpenStack is becoming NFVI management system, many upper layer systems, such ONAP, OpenCORD are using it as default infrastructure resource management system. OpenStack skill is awesome for my involvement in these systems. I am working as CTO of 99cloud, which is providing OpenStack services to customers.  So I will and have to continue my efforts and do my best to get involved in it.

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Saverio Proto

Nominated by: Fabio Farina Paco Bernabé Pellicer Valery Tschopp Cristiano Bellucci Giuseppe Paterno' Anton Aksola Edgar Magana Harald Staub Tim Bell

About Saverio Proto

Saverio Proto is a Openstack Cloud Engineer at SWITCH. He works in NRENs since 2011, first in Italy and then in Switzerland. He has significant experience in running critical infrastructures using Open Source software. At SWITCH he works together with the Infrastructure & Data team, to deliver an Openstack based cloud to the Swiss Universities.

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ChangBo Guo

Nominated by: Kenneth Giusti Hongbin Lu Jay Bryant Feilong Wang Fred LI Zhenguo Niu Yupeng Hu Ethan Lynn Shane Wang Rico Lin

About ChangBo Guo

 ChangBo Guo is consulting architect at EasyStack. As founding engineer of EasyStack, he has held various roles, including engineer, product manager, architect, and participated in every aspect from product design to delivery, and online operation. He attended the earliest of large-scale OpenStack adoptions in China, such as Lenovo, Postal Savings Bank of China, China Telecom, State Grid, etc.

He was one of the earliest OpenStack contributors in China. He has been working on the OpenStack since 2012, when he worked on the PowerVM driver under Nova to support IBM Power Systems. He has been contributing several projects like Nova, Neutron, Ironic, Oslo, etc. He was the organizer of China OpenStack user group, and promote OpenStack technologies in several meet-ups in China including Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu, Shenzhen, etc.  He is also keen to help others learn how to contribute in upstream and delivered presentation about upstream contribution for several companies. He attended several design summits and delivered presentations. He served as track chair of upstream development in Barcelona, Boston and Sydney design summit. He served as Individual Director of OpenStack Foundation in 2017- 2019 and Oslo PTL for Pike and Queens.

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Sean McGinnis

Nominated by: Chris Dent Emilien Macchi John Griffith Dean Troyer Melanie Witt Brian Rosmaita Davanum Srinivas Shane Wang ChangBo Guo Ivan Kolodyazhny

About Sean McGinnis

Sean is a Distinguished Engineer in the Dell Technologies Office of the CTO, focusing on programs to support open source usage and involvement across the company.

Sean is currently a community representative on the OpenStack Foundation Board of Directors. He has served on the OpenStack Technical Committee (TC), was the Project Team Lead (PTL) for the Cinder block storage project and the Release Management team, and is currently a core reviewer in a number of OpenStack projects.

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Chris Dent

Nominated by: Mark Voelker Sean McGinnis Julien Danjou Emilien Macchi Mehdi Abaakouk Dean Troyer Monty Taylor Joshua Harlow gordon chung ChangBo Guo

About Chris Dent

Chris has been working with and developing various forms of distributed systems for around 25 years. When he landed in the world of OpenStack, Chris started with the Telemetry project and has since moved into improving the scheduler in Nova and helping to create the new Placement service. Chris is primarily interested in the ways groups of people use networked technology to collaborate, exploring the problem space of information sharing and reuse. He hopes to help make himself and everyone else less dumb. He is a member of the Technical Committee, a core reviewer in the API working group, and is the author of Gabbi, an HTTP testing tool, and a large suite of diverse experiments for enhancing asynchronous collaboration on the internet. In OpenStack, Chris is striving to bring about some semblance of maturity, composability and accessibility to the services while also increasing the degree of communication and transparency among the many people and organizations involved with OpenStack.

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Fred LI

Nominated by: Shane Wang ChangBo Guo Alex Xu Xiaoqian Cao Lingxian Kong Zhipeng Huang JF Ding Rui Chen Zhenyu Zheng Hao Wang

About Fred LI

I am leading OpenStack upstream development team in Huawei, one of the Platinum member of OpenStack. 

Since joining OpenStack community in 2015, I have been working to connect customers to OpenStack cumminty, by introducing customers requirements to community, implementing in upstream and helping downstream team to deliver product to customers.

I am also one of the organizers in China Bug Smash events, which happen every 6 months to cooperate with all the developers in China and some outside of China to improve OpenStack software quality by fixing bugs.

I had the opportunity to work as a volunteer in OpenStack Days China, which has more then 2000 attendees. 

With my experience of enginneering and management, under support from my team and employer, I am happy to work with all the memebers to improve and promote OpenStack.

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Mark Baker

Nominated by: Mark Shuttleworth Tytus Kurek Chris MacNaughton Adam Collard Uros Jovanovic Mihaela Andronic Nobuto Murata Shakeb Teymuri Szilard Cserey Jeffrey Lane

About Mark Baker
Previously Product Manager in AWS EC2 and OpenStack PM at Canonical before that. Involved OpenStack since 2011, I helped design and release Canonical's OpenStack distribution from 2011 to 2018 and was an OpenStack Board Director for several years. A 25 year career in infrastructure software with Product Management, Product Marketings and Solutions architecture roles at Oracle, Red Hat, Canonical, MySQL and a couple of startups. Now recently joined Neo4j as lead PM for SaaS products running across a number of different clouds. I love spending time with Open Source infrastructure technology learning about the differing models, communities and the challenges of each. 
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Joseph Sandoval

Nominated by: Nicolas Brousse Anthony Gosselin Pinda Ndaki Mike Tougeron Aravind kota Hariharan Subramanian Manasi Limbachiya Pierre GRANDIN Lachlan Evenson Joseph Sandoval

About Joseph Sandoval

I've been involved with Openstack with the Essex/Folsom release cycles. Currently running production 150k cores of  Openstack at Adobe Advertising Cloud. 

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