OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

2023 Board Elections: Gold Member Candidate List

Gold Director Selector Candidates

The candidates on this list are the intended Gold Directors from the Gold Member companies who are running for election as Gold Director Selectors.



Mohammed Naser

About Mohammed Naser

Over the past 10 years, I’m happy to have watched the hosting industry transform and be part of the transformation process as it evolved from traditional physical hardware to cloud-native infrastructure, powered by OpenStack.  Since the creation of VEXXHOST, I have had the chance to work with different sorts of customers, ranging from growing small businesses to helping architect solutions for large Fortune 500 companies, based on OpenStack.  I've helped integrate other open infrastructure projects into our commercial offering.

By fostering OpenStack at it’s early days in 2011, it has helped improve the project and our service as a whole. I’ve been a contributor to the project since and I have contributed code to almost every release of OpenStack since then.  I've also served as PTL for Puppet OpenStack, continue to serve as a PTL for OpenStack-Ansible and serve on the technical commitee, chairing tthe commitee for a term.

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Li Kai

About Li Kai

I am Kai and am the CSO/Co-founder from 99CLOUD. I had been devoting myself for OpenStack for more than 8 years from 2012.  99CLOUD is one of the top code committer orgnization in OIF foundation.  We believe with Open Infra tech, we can some how change the world and help client better in their IT and bussiness transformation. I am currently in the OpenStack board in 2020. I am also in EdgeGallery (a MEC opensource project) as a baord member. Prior to 99CLOUD, I worked for Intel from 2006~2012 as a SW engineer and Accenture 2012~2014 as Cloud Manager.  

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Johan Christenson

About Johan Christenson

Johan Christenson is a serial entrepreneur whom has successfully exited multiple companies he founded. After receiving a graduate degree in Engineering, from Florida Institute of Technology, his focus turned to the digital space. 

Johan is the founder and CEO of Cleura (former City Network), which offers a global public cloud as well as private clouds for enterprises - all based on OpenStack and other open source projects. Cleuras mission is to enable innovation and focuses on enterprises with regulatory challenges such as within finance, health care of government agencies.

Johan sees OpenStack and open source as a whole, as critical for all enterprises in order to provide options and create competition in an ever more centralized infrastructure world. He, and the team at Cleura, empower new types of industries and markets to use the power of OpenStack, to enable and increase innovation in their organizations.

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Tytus Kurek

About Tytus Kurek

Tytus has been a board member of the OpenInfra Foundation since 2020. He is a member of the Finance Committee and is actively involved in the OpenStack community. Over the years, he contributed numerous patches to the OpenStack codebase. He was also participating in the events organised by the OpenInfra Foundation, including summits and PTGs, supporting the foundation in its efforts to spread awareness of open infra benefits. As a Product Manager at Canonical, Tytus drives the evolution of Canonical’s products and services in the data centre space, including Canonical's Charmed OpenStack distribution. Tytus received his PhD with honours in telecommunications in 2018. His background is data centre administration and cloud engineering.

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Brin Zhang

About Brin Zhang
Brin Zhang, who works at IEI, is mainly responsible for the work of OpenStack  community. He leads the team to collect upstream customer needs and feeds back to the open source community in a timely manner, and contributes to open source projects with bug fixes, features and other forms. He has cultivated many core contributors in open source projects such as in Cyborg, Nova, Venus, Manila, Masakari, Watcher, Neutron etc. projects, promoted the development of open source projects. In addition, he actively participated in the organization of OpenInfra Days China as a volunteer of the conference, and actively encouraged and advocated enterprises to deliver keynote speeches and technical exchanges. At the same time, the technical team was organized to output issues related to cutting-edge technologies such as Kubernetes, OpenStack and Edge computing, to participate in OpenInfra Days China and submit, which greatly promoted the development of OpenStack in China. His efforts have been recognized by the industry and the open source community, and he is the Cyborg project PTL and one of founder of Venus projects. His efforts have been recognized by the OpenInfra Foundation and open source contributors, with honors such as the "Team Contribution Award (Venus Team)", "2020 Open Source Infrastructure Community - Individual Achievement Award", "Cloud OS Lead Award", and "Community Leadership Excellence Award" etc..
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Yulong LIU

About Yulong LIU
LIU Yulong currently works at China Unicom Cloud for research, development and management for a team of Cloud Networking. He has been engaged in Cloud Computing for more than ten years. He is proficient in the core components of OpenStack, and has a deep understanding of the architecture of Nova and Neutron with the underlying technologies, such as Openvswitch, OpenFlow, SDN, Linux Networking, Libvirt and Qemu/kvm. His past work experience in several famous public clouds has enabled him to have a deep construction of cloud technologies, which also shows his love for Cloud Computing. Since 2019, he has become the core developer of OpenStack Neutron. At present, his main work and research fields are focused on cloud networking, SDN, SmartNIC, DPU and hardware offloading.
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Sebastian Wenner

About Sebastian Wenner

I started my careen in 1997 at IBM Germany, when I came across a new open-source operating system called Linux which drew a lot of my attention and continued to do so until present time. Over the time the scope grew larger, and I followed the open-source path to the cloud world and got part of the OpenStack (back then) and now OpenInfra family. 

Since 2012 I'm with T-Systems in different leadership roles and in 2014 we started a project to launch a public cloud for T-Systems/ Deutsche Telekom. This was the start of Open Telekom Cloud (OTC)! 

As the infrastructure lead and chief engineer, I am responsible for everything between the upper edge of double floor in the data center and the upper edge of the operating system. Open Telekom Cloud is by now one of the largest OpenStack-based clouds in Europe, providing full GDPR-compliance and the full stack of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS offerings.

Apart from doing all that computer stuff, I am married, have a son, and enjoy a lot doing some cooking & baking, spending time with my family and travelling throughout the world.

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Abhisak Chulya

About Abhisak Chulya

Dr. Abhisak has been involved in Internet circle in Asia Pacific since 1999. He was the secretariat of ccTLD for three years during which he had participated in almost every ICANN meetings through out the world. He has experienced and understanding of how big impact of Internet has on this region. He single-handedly organized APRICOT 2002 in Bangkok ( and was a chairman of APIA serving for three terms from 2004 – 2006 ( Here is more details of Dr. Abhisak qualifications and work history: 

Abhisak received his doctoral degree in Engineering from Cleveland State University, USA and spent 8 years as a senior research scientist at NASA John H. Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He published over 20 international publications as lead author including presentations in France, Japan, and USA.

Moving back home in 1996, he worked as a Director of Thailand Science Park. He later turned entrepreneur setting up his own company called NIPA Technology Co., Ltd. He is the former Executive Director for ccTLD Secretariat for Country Code Top Level Domain Name. He was also in charge of ccTLD Name Server Training Program which is part of AP Outreach Seminar - ccTLD Secretariat. 

He has been appointed by the Cabinet of Thai Government on 17 June 2003 to be a member of Board of Directors of National Science and Technology Development Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Thailand.

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Xiangyu Li

About Xiangyu Li

Xiangyu Li comes from China Mobile Cloud Centre and she has been working here for 7 years.   She currently serves as the leader of the Computing Product Group of the IaaS product department, taking responsibility for the R&D of the OpenStack team.   ECloud has become the fastest-growing public cloud in China with the highest revenue growth rate in the past several  years.   As a member of the China Mobile Public Cloud architecture team, she participated in multi-phase projects of the ECloud and could be considered as the main contributor for guiding ECloud to join the Million Core Club.   Xiangyu Li has considerable rich work experience in the development and operation of hyperscale public clouds.   The OpenStack R&D team which she is leading has achieve multiple great achievements, implementing the scheduling and concurrency optimization for hyperscale clusters carrying more than 100,000 servers.   With this optimization, the delivery of 5 thousand cloud hosts could be completed in several minutes.   Xiangyu Li is also very active to join community events.   She is a frequenter in OpenInfra Summit, China Day and Strategy Day activities.   Her team has published dozens of speeches in OpenStack-related community activities, sharing China Mobile's practical and innovation experience in OpenStack.

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