OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

About Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) is the premier R&D organization of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) for carrying out R&D in IT, Electronics and associated areas.

C-DAC has today emerged as a premier R&D organization in IT&E (Information Technologies and Electronics) in the country working on strengthening national technological capabilities in the context of global developments in the field and responding to change in the market need in selected foundation areas.

As an institution for high-end Research and Development (R&D), C-DAC has been at the forefront of the Information Technology (IT) revolution, constantly building capacities in emerging/enabling technologies and innovating and leveraging its expertise, caliber, skill sets to develop and deploy IT products and solutions for different sectors of the economy, as per the mandate of its parent, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India and other stakeholders including funding agencies, collaborators, users and the market-place.

Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Commitment

C-DAC Consulting & Integration services

C-DAC is offering consultancy services and involved in implementation, customization, development, management, operation, maintenance and support of Cloud with its free and open source cloud suite named Meghdoot built on OpenStack.

Areas of OpenStack Expertise

Ansible playbooks and roles for deployment OpenStackAnsible
Backup, Restore, and Disaster Recovery Freezer
Bare Metal Provisioning Service Ironic
Big Data Processing Framework Provisioning Sahara
Billing and chargebacks Cloudkitty
Block Storage Cinder
Chef cookbooks to build, operate and consume OpenStack Openstack-chef
Clustering service Senlin
Command-line interface for all OpenStack services Openstackclient
Compute Service Nova
Container Orchestration Engine Provisioning Magnum
Containers Service Zun
Dashboard Horizon
Database as a Service Trove
Deploys OpenStack in containers using Ansible Kolla-ansible
Deploys OpenStack in containers using Helm Openstack-helm
Deploys OpenStack using OpenStack itself Tripleo
DNS service Designate
EC2 API proxy EC2API
Identity service Keystone
Image service Glance
Indexing and Search Searchlight
Instances High Availability Service Masakari
Key management Barbican
Load balancer Octavia
Messaging Service Zaqar
Metering & Data Collection Service Ceilometer
Monitoring Monasca
Networking Neutron
Networking Automation for Multi-Region Deployments Tricircle
NFV Orchestration Tacker
Object store Swift
Official Python SDK for OpenStack APIs Openstacksdk
OpenStack Networking integration for containers Kuryr
Orchestration Heat
Packaging-rpm Packaging-rpm
Puppet modules to deploy OpenStack Puppet-openstack
Python Software Development Kit Python SDK
Resource reservation service Blazar
Root Cause Analysis service Vitrage
Shared filesystems Manila
Software Development Lifecycle Automation Solum

Services Offered

  • Cloud Strategy
  • Feature Development (adding features to OpenStack)
  • Operations
  • Proof of Concept
  • Support
  • System Integration

Configuration Management Expertise

  • Ansible
  • Chef
  • Puppet

Regions with local offices

  • Asia Pacific


Click any map pin to see office address

Regions where support is offered

Asia Pacific


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