Now you can watch the keynotes that took place during the OpenInfra Summit in Berlin!

About Cloudification

Cloudification provides Cloud Consulting services that go from laser-sharp Cloud strategies to cutting-edge Cloud architectures, hands-on DevOps & FinOps. We are a talented team of experts that helps companies level up their products and services using open-source technologies such as Openstack, Kubernetes, ArgoCD, Traefik, Helm, Prometheus and more.

For those looking to level up their team skills and stay up-to-date with modern cloud tech Cloudification offers expert-led, hands-on training and workshops.

Cloudification Commitment

At Cloudification, our commitment to Open Source and free software is the foundation of our ethos. We sincerely believe in the transformative power of community-driven innovation and the unparalleled flexibility it provides. By harnessing some of the best Open Source technologies like Openstack and Kubernetes, we democratize access to cutting-edge Cloud-Native solutions, and ensure that businesses receive transparent, sustainable and vendor lock-in-free solutions.

Our pledge is to continuously champion open ecosystems, empowering companies to thrive in this age of digital transformation, unencumbered by the limitations of proprietary software. Besides broad Open Source knowledge and hands-on experience, Cloudification team has a long track of contributions to Openstack, Kubernetes and Terraform allowing us to deliver perfectly tailored solutions for unique business needs.

Cloudification Consulting

Cloudification team has 10+ years of OpenStack experience solving most challenging cases. From Architecture & Development to Scaling and Release upgrades, Cloudification will be your guide in the world of OpenStack. Get more from OpenStack with us.

Areas of OpenStack Expertise

Bare Metal Provisioning Service Ironic
Benchmarking tool Rally
Billing and chargebacks Cloudkitty
Block Storage Cinder
Command-line interface for all OpenStack services Openstackclient
Compute Service Nova
Container Orchestration Engine Provisioning Magnum
Dashboard Horizon
Deploys OpenStack in containers using Helm Openstack-helm
DNS service Designate
Identity service Keystone
Image service Glance
Instances High Availability Service Masakari
Key management Barbican
Lightweight OCI containers LOCI
Load balancer Octavia
Networking Neutron
Object store Swift
Official Python SDK for OpenStack APIs Openstacksdk
Orchestration Heat
Placement service Placement
Shared filesystems Manila
The OpenStack Integration Test Suite Tempest

Services Offered

  • Cloud Strategy
  • Feature Development (adding features to OpenStack)
  • Operations
  • Proof of Concept
  • Support
  • System Integration

Configuration Management Expertise

  • Ansible
  • Chef
  • Puppet
  • Salt


  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Russian
  • Hindi

Regions with local offices

  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific


Click any map pin to see office address

Regions where support is offered

South America
Central America
North America
Middle East
Asia Pacific
Eastern Africa
Southern Africa
Central Africa
Western Africa


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OpenStack on Autopilot with K8s and ArgoCD (English)(40:39)