OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

About NEC

NEC is a leading global provider of innovative and integrated IT and networking solutions, delivering a complete portfolio of infrastructure, innovative cloud platforms and proven applications that meet the complex and changing needs of customers.

NEC Commitment

NEC contributes to the promotion of OpenStack as a Gold member of the OpenStack Foundation. As industry demand for technology shifts to services realized by cloud computing, NEC will contribute to expanding the ecosystems based on OpenStack.

NEC Cloud System

NEC provides cloud solutions for enterprises or services providers to use cloud services or build their cloud environment for optimizing operations or start new businesses quickly and efficiently. These are some of offerings and will be expanded.

Areas of OpenStack Expertise

Block Storage Cinder
Compute Service Nova
Dashboard Horizon
Identity service Keystone
Image service Glance
Networking Neutron
Object store Swift
Orchestration Heat

Services Offered

  • Cloud Strategy
  • Feature Development (adding features to OpenStack)
  • Operations
  • Proof of Concept
  • Support
  • System Integration

Select Clients

  • NECs Cloud Infrastructure Service NEC Cloud IaaS

Regions with local offices

  • South America

Regions where support is offered

Asia Pacific


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