OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

About Cloudbase Solutions

Cloudbase Solutions is the leading global contributor for OpenStack on Windows with Hyper-V, bridging the enterprise world with open source cloud computing. Our products and services are based on state-of-the-art open source orchestration solutions for standard Microsoft based workloads.

Cloudbase Solutions Commitment

Cloudbase Solutions develops, maintains and contributes all the crucial OpenStack components for Windows, including Nova, Cinder, Neutron, Ceilometer, Ironic, Manila, OS-Win and Heat templates along with Open vSwitch for Hyper-V and the guest Windows Cloudbase-Init.

Cloudbase Solutions Hyper-Converged OpenStack is based on Microsoft Windows Server, Hyper-V, Storage Spaces Direct, and Hyper-V Networking. This provides a turnkey and fully automated enterprise cloud solution on commodity hardware with leading TCO.

OpenStack Powered

This product is OpenStack Powered. It contains OpenStack software and has been approved by the OpenInfra Foundation. Learn more about becoming an OpenStack Powered product here.

Other Details

Supported Hypervisors

KVM Hyper-V

Supported Guests

Windows Linux

Regions where support is offered

South America
Central America
North America
Middle East
Asia Pacific


Hyper-Converged OpenStack on Windows Nano Server 2016 (33:23)

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