OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

About Whitestack

Whitestack is a company aimed to accelerate adoption of Cloud, SDN and NFV in Latin American markets. Our initial focus is on the Telecom and Data Center industries, which have proven to be clear use cases to deploy these new technologies in order to become more competitive. Whitestack is leading the deployment of OpenStack in Telco production environments at these markets.

Whitestack Commitment

Whitestack participates in ETSI initiatives towards NFV standardization and adoption, and plans to be the leading provider in open NFV orchestration. Whitestack is leading the efforts to position OpenStack and SDN in Latin America, with certified training in Spanish and Portuguese, and production deployments.


WhiteCloud OpenStack includes key features for the quickest time-to-market, with a highly stable containerized platform for production environments, performance tuning for NFV, and skilled localized services oriented towards automated operations.

OpenStack Powered

This product is OpenStack Powered. It contains OpenStack software and has been approved by the OpenInfra Foundation. Learn more about becoming an OpenStack Powered product here.

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