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About China Mobile

China Mobile is the world's largest mobile telecommunications company. As the leading telecommunications services provider in Mainland China, the Group boasts the world's largest mobile network and the world's largest mobile customer base which has more than 835 million subscribers.

Till the end of August 2016, the scale of 4G base is over 1,320,000, 4G users exceed 400 million and it has become the largest group of 4G users in the world. The total operating income for the first half of 2016 is RMB 370,351,000,000 with a net profit of RMB 605,720,000,000.

The industrial position has been steadily consolidated, communication service made up 53% share of the market and mobile clients made up 64% share of the market. It has successfully completed operational transformation. The wireless access has become the largest income source, made up 43.3% of the total income. China Mobile is listed in Fortune Global 500 list for 15 consecutive years, ranking the 45th in 2016 and ranked the 15th in BRANDZ 2016 ranking; China Mobile’s businesses can be primarily divided into voice services and data services. Voice services mainly include call service and voice value-added services. Data Services include SMS&MMS, Wireless Data Traffic, Information services, IDC services and Cloud-Computing services.

Now, China Mobile is focusing on 5G network, NFV, IoT, Cloud Computing and Big Data. We are makes deployments in cloud computing to push development of Communication 4.0 in three aspects including independent R&D, platform construction and service capacity cloudization.

China Mobile Commitment

China Mobile contributes 78 Commits and 9 drafts & completed blueprints. 16 employees have codes committed to OpenStack community, junxu, Zhangsong, Luo Gangyi, zouee etc. China Mobile has sponsored 3 OpenStack Meetups in past two years which were Suzhou Meetup in Oct, 2015, Suzhou Meetup in Sep,2016 and Beijing Meetup in May 2016. In OpenStack Austin Summit, China Mobile delivered three presentations about large-scale practice of OpenStack in its public and private cloud and is going to give 3 presentations in OpenStack Barcelona Summit. In OpenStack China Day, research manager Huabin Tang of China Mobile Research Institute and chief architect of 99cloud Yongsheng Gong jointly shared their experience of integrating of “Scorpio” cluster 3.0 with OpenStack. Also, China Mobile are vice directors of two Chinese open source organizations, OSCAR and COSCL.

China Mobile was the first one using OpenStack to build Public Cloud in China, and are planning to build 3 more OpenStack Cluster in different province. And China Mobile is working together with Huawei, AWCloud and Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to promote the standardization of OpenStack in China.


BigCloud® v4.0 is China Mobile’s commercial distribution of OpenStack. BigCloud® is developed based on OpenStack Community version and introduced a dozen of amazing features such as High-Availability, Storage-Live-Migration and GPU virtualization.

OpenStack Powered

This product is OpenStack Powered. It contains OpenStack software and has been approved by the OpenInfra Foundation. Learn more about becoming an OpenStack Powered product here.

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Windows Linux

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Asia Pacific


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