OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation

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About Deutsche Telekom

Leading European Telco

Deutsche Telekom is one of the world's leading integrated telecommunications companies, with some 178 million mobile customers, 28 million fixed-network lines, and 20 million broadband lines.

We provide fixed-network/broadband, mobile communications, Internet, and IPTV products and services for consumers, and information and communication technology (ICT) solutions for business and corporate customers.

Deutsche Telekom is present in more than 50 countries. With a staff of some 216,000 employees throughout the world, we generated revenue of 75,7 billion Euro in the 2018 financial year, about 66 percent of it outside Germany.

Deutsche Telekom Commitment

Deutsche Telekom was one of the first major European companies publicly supporting the OpenStack project.

First public activities date back to 2012.

Today several engineers and architects from Deutsche Telekom contribute to OpenStack in networking, testing, storage, library, and infrastructure projects. The company is Gold Member of the OpenStack Foundation and frequent sponsor and supporter of the foundations events.

Open Telekom Cloud

Open Telekom Cloud is an international large-scale public OpenStack Powered Platform from Deutsche Telekom supported and operated by T-Systems out of Europe. It has been designed for simplicity, security, compliance, affordability and openness.

OpenStack Powered

This product is OpenStack Powered. It contains OpenStack software and has been approved by the OpenInfra Foundation. Learn more about becoming an OpenStack Powered product here.

Other Details

Pricing Options

Per minute  
Long-term Contract  

Supported Hypervisors

KVM Docker

Supported Guests

Windows Linux



Data Center Locations

Biere Magdeburg Aalsmeer Almere Bern Zollikofen


Click any location to see availability zones and API endpoints

Regions where support is offered



Aftermovie Circle Partner Summit 2023 | Open Telekom Cloud | T-Systems (02:11)

Trailer | Open Telekom Cloud | T-Systems (02:53)


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