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OW2 community showcases AppHub, a new distribution channel for enterprise cloud applications or services

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OW2 community showcases AppHub, a new distribution channel for enterprise cloud applications or services

At OpenStack Summit in Austin, OW2 reveals AppHub, the open source vendor-neutral and OpenStack friendly marketplace.

Austin (TEXAS), USA, April 25, 2016 - OW2, the global community for open source infrastructure software and application platforms, is exhibiting on booth #B32 at OpenStack Summit Austin, showcasing the AppHub open source marketplace. The AppHub project allows seamless deployment of open source software to OpenStack public or private infrastructures. It combines the services for vendors to reach out the market, easing continuous configuration and delivery of enterprise cloud applications or services.

AppHub three main components are:

  • the Directory provides information about R&D projects, industrial and SME software.
  • the Factory builds software appliances for physical, virtual, and cloud infrastructures.
  • the Store offers a selection of enterprise sofware, ready-to-run on a physical, virtual or cloud infrastructure, including OpenStack.

The AppHub project is supported by the European Commission, and brings together the OW2 community, UShareSoft software vendor and Fraunhofer Fokus research institute.

For more information about AppHub technologies and services at OpenStack Summit Austin:

  • Visit the market place demo theater, on Thursday April 28 at 12:40am
  • Follow the TechTalks session, on Thursday April 28 at 2:00pm
  • Meet the AppHub project team and ask your questions on OW2 booth #B32
  • Visit the AppHub website :

About OW2
OW2 is an independent community dedicated to developing open source code infrastructure (middleware and generic applications) and to fostering a vibrant community and business ecosystem. The OW2 Consortium hosts some one hundred technology projects, including ASM, Bonita, CLIF, DocDoku, erOCCI, Imixs-Workflow, JORAM, LemonLDAP:NG, Lutece, Nanocloud, Nanoko, ProActive, SAT4J, SpagoBI, Talend Studio, WebLab, XLcloud, Xwiki. Visit 


OW2 Management Office - [email protected]
Press: Catherine Nuel - [email protected]