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Verizon unlocks the power of open source and virtualization with the addition of new whitebox options to its universal CPE offer


NEW YORK - Verizon has expanded its Virtual Network Services product offering by adding x86-based whitebox options, leveraging OpenStack, to its universal customer premises equipment (uCPE) portfolio. Verizon's uCPE eliminates the need for enterprises to invest in separate hardware appliances for critical virtual network functions (VNF) such as software-defined WAN (SD-WAN), security, routing, WAN optimization, or any other network function that can be virtualized.

"Verizon continues to deliver on our SDN/NFV transformation roadmap for the enterprise," said Shawn Hakl, vice president of new products and innovation at Verizon. "Our new uCPE options expand the range of choices available to our customers, accelerate the enterprise transformation to cloud based architectures, and increase the agility of organizations to respond to market challenges."

Verizon has simplified the transition to software-defined, application-centric network deployments for organizations of all sizes by expanding its Virtual Network Services uCPE options from vendor-specific platforms to an open hardware, open source whitebox architecture.

As featured at the 2017 OpenStack Summit, Verizon's uCPE portfolio ranges in size from solutions suitable for small retail sites up to large datacenter deployments and leverages commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware using a globally distributed open source architecture. This enables enterprises to deploy global services with Verizon's leading application library quickly and easily.

"Verizon is excited by the pace of innovation within the OpenStack community and its ability to provide organizations with more options to deliver agility, efficiency and scalability from their cloud infrastructure," said Hakl.

Using a combination of COTS hardware over a massively distributed deployment of OpenStack allows customers to decouple hardware from software and frees them from proprietary hardware. This flexibility helps control costs, simplifies physical network architectures, and gives customers the independence to pick the right mix of hardware and applications.

Verizon's uCPE solution incorporates service chaining and Enterprise Orchestration for automation of onboarding and provisioning. Subsequent Enterprise Orchestration releases will include service assurance capabilities for fault and performance monitoring, as well as closed-loop healing and a VNF factory. Integrating a full-service life-cycle orchestration solution into Verizon's uCPE will enable enterprises to deploy near real-time SDN technologies.

As Verizon's customer needs evolve, Verizon continues to expand its virtual network portfolio to evolve with them. Verizon's uCPE portfolio with orchestration and auto provisioning expands equipment options now, while open source enables the expansion of virtual network functions in the future.

Visit Verizon's Virtual Network Services to learn how enterprises are transforming their business with SDN technology

About Verizon
Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ), headquartered in New York City, has a diverse workforce of 161,000 and generated nearly $126 billion in 2016 revenues. Verizon operates America’s most reliable wireless network, with 113.9 million retail connections nationwide. The company also provides communications and entertainment services over mobile broadband and the nation’s premier all-fiber network, and delivers integrated business solutions to customers worldwide.  


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Media contact:
John O'Malley
T. 585.261.5899