OpenInfra Foundation Board Announces Intent to Join the Linux Foundation
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Open Infra Tech Days Event to Feature Hands-On Labs, Demos and Use Cases in Kubernetes, OpenStack and More

User groups in the Cloud Native and Open Infrastructure communities to present keynotes, lightning talks, interactive labs, and more at the Open Infra Tech Days event.

SAN JOSE, Calif. — July 5, 2018 — The SF Bay Cloud Native Open Infra user group (formerly SF Bay OpenStack), and the Out-of-the-Box Network Developer meetup group are teaming up to deliver an afternoon and evening of talks, demos, and hands-on labs for open infrastructure use cases featuring containers, NFV, SDN, cloud native storage, IoT, ONAP and more.

The event will be held at the Intel Altera Campus in San Jose from 1pm until 9pm on Tuesday, July 10. Registration is required, and there is no cost to attend. Attendees can come and go as they please to experience any combination of the scheduled talks and/or an evening of social, networking, Lightning Talks and celebration.

The event agenda includes:

  • Hands-on Labs featuring Kolla OpenStack on Containers, Kata Containers, and running Applications (Postgres and Redis Databases) in Containers
  • Breakout sessions include ONAP Zero Touch from Intel and AT&T, Red Hat, Platform9, SoftIron, Datera, Portworx, and Google
  • Presentation on Kubernetes with Medya Ghazizadeh of Google and Eric Han, the original Kubernetes project manager and GKE co-creator
  • A customer and operator panel on “Kubernetes in the Real World,” presented by Michael Richmond of NIO and Tony Campbell of Red Hat, moderated by Lisa-Marie Namphy, SF Bay Cloud Native Open Infra user group manager
  • A presentation by Lew Tucker, CTO Cisco Cloud on Istio Service Mesh

At 6pm, there will be dinner and party to celebrate the 8th birthday of the OpenStack project, followed by lightning talks from event sponsors Canonical, Cisco DevNet, Datera, Intel, Packet Host, Platform9, Portworx, Red Hat, RedisLabs, and SoftIron.



Media Contacts:

Robert Cathey
+1 865-386-6118

Lisa-Marie Namphy
SF Bay Cloud Native Open Infra user group
Email via Meetup: