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What are sample configurations?

Think of these as curated playlists of OpenStack configurations. These sample configurations are based on OpenStack case studies and real-world reference architectures across industries and workloads. Each configuration will give you a good idea of which core and optional projects can be used for different environments.

Compute Starter Kit

When new deployers first approach OpenStack as a project, they are presented with a vast and wonderful array of choices of components they could choose to begin with. So vast and wonderful that it becomes really hard for people to understand where to start; be confident that decisions they make will prevent them from deploying something usable; and ensure they are able to expand the scope of their OpenStack over time. The intent of this sample config is to define a small subset of projects that allow the deployer to experiment with both stateful and stateless uses of OpenStack with functions that nearly all clouds will want to have. The target audience is someone new to cloud computing that is kicking the tires on a small number of servers in a basement or back room.

This sample config has been defined by the OpenStack Technical Committee with the starter-kit: compute tag.


User Stories

City Network currently runs well over 10,000 VMs in eight different locations from New York to Tokyo. Our focus is the European enterprise where many times regulatory challenges put a little extra work around how each workload is handled.   Read more

Vexxhost has a public cloud spanning over two regions, as well as numerous private clouds that have been deployed and managed all over the world. Overall, they’ve started managing an aggregate of over 100,000 cores.   Read more

Blizzard Entertainment currently has 12,000 compute nodes on OpenStack distributed globally, and even managed to upgrade five releases in one jump in 2019 to start using Rocky. The team at Blizzard is also dedicated to contributing upstream.   Read more

Walmart’s OpenStack private cloud has over 800,000 cores. Its team developed a tool called Galaxy for its multi-cloud setup that minimizes the time to detect issues on OpenStack clouds.    Read more

OVH is an OpenStack powered public cloud provider managing 27 datacenters running over 300,000 cores in production.   Read more

OpenStack Services included in this configuration (5 of 65)

Compute Service
Image service
Identity service
Placement service

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