April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Project Kuryr - Docker Delivered, Kubernetes Next!

Kuryr was unveiled in the OpenStack Summit in Tokyo.

Its goal is to make Neutron networking available to containainers in their most widespread usages.

Kuryr's aim, as we move towards the N release, is to bridge the gap between the container orchestration engines like Kubernetes and OpenStack networking models and expose all of the production grade Neutron capabilities and services to big scale container consumers.

In this session we will talk about how Kuryr bridged the gap with Docker standalone configurations, how it brings networking to Docker Swarm and what is the roadmap for the next release.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees should get a short introduction to project Kuryr, the problems its trying to solve and the solutions its offer.

They will learn the features implemented in Mitaka and Liberty, like:

  • Full integration with Docker and Docker Swarm
  • Support for Docker pluggable IPAM
  • Fullstack / CI / Benchmarking tests in the gate
  • Generic VIF Binding
  • Packaging

They will also hear about the design and implementation of Kubernetes integration and plans to support Magnum and integrate with it. in addition to our roadmap for the next release.

Wednesday, April 27, 9:00am-9:40am (2:00pm - 2:40pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Open Source Software Architect
 I am a software architect, passionate about open source, experienced with networking, virtualization and all areas of SDN/NFV and cloud computing. Contributing to OpenStack Neutron, Containers networking projects and hybrid cloud. Eager to bridge the gaps between OpenStack development and its users and explore new areas to help OpenStack shine Blogging for anything OpenStack related... FULL PROFILE
Software Engineer
Antoni is a founder and core contributor to Openstack Kuryr and works on related container efforts at Red Hat. He has contributed in the past to the networking stack of oVirt, Libvirt nova-docker and MidoNet. His recent focus has been on Container Software Defined Networking and Container Orchestration projects like Kubernetes, OpenShift and Swarm. FULL PROFILE
Mohammad is a research staff member at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. His research interests include cloud computing and software-defined networking. He is a senior member of the ACM and the IEEE and an active contributior to Neutron. Mohammad lives with his family in NYC. FULL PROFILE
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Posted: 3220 days ago