April 25-29, 2016

Event Details

Please note: All times listed below are in Central Time Zone

Get Ready for Fernet Tokens

Fernet tokens have been around since Kilo and they're going to replace UUID as the default token provider in Newton. Is your deployment ready to take advantage of them?

In this talk we will cover what Fernet tokens are, how they work, why they're an improvement over other formats, and what you need to do to switch to them. We will start with a deep background on Fernet tokens from some of the guys who wrote the code. Then we will cover the details of what happened in a real world deployment when Fernet was implemented. We will also cover other operations topics like key rotations and deploying the private signing keys.

After this talk, attendees should get enough background to be able to explain Fernet tokens to their teams and begin to switch their environments to Fernet tokens.

What can I expect to learn?

Attendees should come away with a good understanding of the Fernet token format and how Fernet tokens work. They will also learn the advantages of Fernet over other formats and understand some of the requirements for operating a cloud using Fernet tokens.

They should also learn how Fernet key rotation works and have some basic strategies for managing keys.

Wednesday, April 27, 11:50am-12:30pm (4:50pm - 5:30pm UTC)
Difficulty Level: Intermediate
Tags: Ops Keystone
Principle Software Engineer
Matt works at Accenture helping clients transform IT infrastructure operations with cloud and Devops. Previously, Matt was a Principal Software Engineer at Charter Communications and used devops to deliver self-service IT infrastructure and services using OpenStack. Matt's focus was primarily on configuring and deploying OpenStack using tools like puppet and ansible. A fan of open source... FULL PROFILE
I am a software developer focused on OpenStack's Identity program. I am passionate about open-source software and sharing knowledge. I constantly look for ways to improve the performance and scalability of whatever project I'm work on. When I'm not writing or reviewing code I enjoy cooking and tackling restoration projects with my wife. FULL PROFILE
Principal Engineer
Dolph is an open source developer working in the OpenStack community. He truly enjoys fixing bugs, writing documentation, and helping the engineers around him become more productive. As a result, he has served as an OpenStack project technical lead (PTL) and on the OpenStack technical committee (TC). FULL PROFILE
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