Many of us, developers/individual contributors, work for a vendor, operator, or academic/research organization which has a significant role in the OpenStack ecosystem. We often face the challenge of managing our time and effort between the community work and our day job, as well as striking a balance or aligning our community work with our employers goals and objectives in OpenStack.
This is a panel with developers/individual contributors, managers, PTL, TC to discuss their experiences and provide recommendations on how to effectively contribute to the community while meeting our employers' goals and objectives in OpenStack.
This panel will facilitate communication and generate mutual understanding between developers/individual contributors and managers, and hopefully inspire employers to modify their R&D processes and create the right KPIs to enable their developers/individual contributors to succeed in both OpenStack community and their day job.
This panel will facilitate communication and generate mutual understanding between developers/individual contributors and managers, and hopefully inspire employers to modify their R&D processes and create the right KPIs to enable their developers/individual contributors to success in both OpenStack community and their day job.